Apple Watch Users, what are your current activity goals?


New member
Im currently at 37+0 and wondering how I should adjust my activity goals. Right now they are on the default 400 calories move goal, 30 minutes exercise and 12 hours standing. I don’t manage to close all rings every day anyways, but I think I will lower the move goal to 300 and the standing goal to 10 hours or even 9 hours for now (my afternoon naps just make anything else unrealistic haha). The exercise ring is easiest for me to close ironically - but I also let gentle restorative yoga and stretching count, so often it is not a real workout but more of a “do any kind of movement”, especially during lockdown.

For postpartum I will completely ignore all activity goals for a few weeks to fully concentrate on baby.

I’m curious - what is your approach?
@maspick I’m 25 weeks. I’ve kept 600/30/12 as my goals the whole pregnancy, but there are definitely days where cooking dinner counts as a workout for me. I’ve kept up with daily yoga for the last six weeks, and I’m running at least once a week.

I’m definitely going to lower my goals for weeks 36-PP though.
@maspick I’m really early in my pregnancy but mine are 600, 30, and 8. I close my exercise ring and standing almost every day, with the move ring being the hardest. I never really thought to change the goals, but I’m trying to pressure myself to close them everyday. I’m just focused and keeping active for baby and I.
@maspick I’m on 500/30/12 and have consistently hit them all for the last 2 weeks. I work a desk job so really trying to get walking at lunch or just doing steps during meetings that I don’t have to contribute to. I’m currently 20 weeks.

Week 5-15 I was lucky to hit 250 for move I was so tired and sick!
@maspick I’m 37+4 and my move goal is 450, stand goal is 12, activity goal is 30 mins.... how often do I hit them? Very rarely. Stand goal like every day, and I’m trying to walk a good amount, but I’m also doing a desk job in meetings constantly and have a toddler, so I don’t get much dedicated workout time right now. Also, by 5pm I’m either dead tired or have crazy acid reflux, so... it’s not going great. I’d just say do what you can, you’re almost there! if I get 6k steps a day I feel super accomplished.
@maspick I’m 8 weeks pp, and I have them at 400, 20, and 10. I moved them this way in the last few weeks of pregnancy, and it’s been perfect. I’m able to close them (almost) every day, and I often go way over in some of the categories. Keeping them low allows me to still work to meet them on days I don’t feel much motivation. If they were higher, I think I’d just give up on days when they felt unreachable! With my goals as they are now, I can always meet them, and then I always have the option to go way over! Having the exercise goal at 20 minutes has been particularly nice. 20 minutes isn’t intimidating at all, so I have even been doing a 20 minute treadmill walk before work! I started back at work 2 weeks ago, and I have NEVER been someone who wakes up before work to workout, especially with an 8 week old! But 20 minutes just feels so doable, and starting my day with that ring closed gets me off to a great start.
@maspick I’m 29 weeks and my goals are 400 calories, 45 minutes of exercise and 12 hours stand. I lowered my calories a bit from the 460 the system recommended to me, but I’m thinking of increasing them again because I keep going over and hitting about 500.
@maspick 33+5 and I’ve had 600/30/12 my whole pregnancy. First tri I had some complications and wasn’t closing rings very often, but I’ve done much better from about week 15 on. I’ve been thinking about whether to adjust for the last few weeks or (more likely) the first few weeks postpartum.
@maspick 21 weeks here! I’m at 300, 30, and 12. I lowered my move goal quite a bit when I was sick in my first trimester. I’ve kept it there because it’s relatively easy to hit if I just go for a daily walk to hit the exercise goal as well. I find it way more encouraging when it’s something I can actually hit every day!
@maspick I’m at 600/30/12 and typically meet all goals. I’m running 2.5-3 miles every morning and doing 30-45 min of yoga in the afternoons. I also have a very active two year old that I play outside with a lot. All that to say that I just posted a week or two ago about possibly slowing down. I’m 21 weeks now but had a few weeks where I really had to push myself to keep going. Feeling more energetic this week so hopefully I can keep up my goals.
@maspick Just about to start my third trimester. I’ve kept my move goal at 400 and exercise at 30 min but dropped my stand goal to 10 hours because I forget to stand up when it prompts and I don’t like feeling like I’ve failed. 🥲
@maspick Mine suggested a new goal with COVID working from home everyday I was never reaching my original goal. It suggested 330 cal and I’ve been able to keep it there through quarantine and pregnancy so far!
@maspick 22w5d here. 350/20/8. I’m currently challenging myself to close all of my rings this month. So far so good! I WFH no kids outside of the one in my belly, I’m fairly sedentary outside of my workouts. Though, once I’m done working for the day I try to busy myself by doing stuff around my house.

When I first got pregnant my OB suggested I do some type of exercise each day for at least 15 minutes, anything over that is even better lol. My ring goals are set to accommodate even lazy days when all I can do is bare minimum birthing ball exercises or my favorite 20 minute strength/cardio video. I set my cal at 350, bc if I were to sit most of the day and do my ~20 minute workout video, I’d burn about that much. Standing goal is set at 8 bc I don’t always do a good job of moving around while I’m working, so it’s more attainable in the evening hours where i’m a little more active.

Most days I blow past these goals, since my workouts are typically closer to 40 mins-1 hr. BUT, I don’t want to sell myself short by not setting my goals appropriately bc pregnancy, and some days I just want to sit and look haha.
@maspick I sprained my ankle back in November, so set my goals to 200/30/6 and haven’t changed them back since. I’m 12 weeks pregnant and commute to work by walking, so easily hit 400 calories on weekdays, but usually more if I add a workout to the mix. I haven’t increased my goals though, since I don’t want to feel like I have to do more when my body is telling me to do less at times.
@maspick I’m only 12 weeks; I went from 400/30/12, to now 260/30/10. Even with diclegis, I still find it hard to feel well enough to work out. I am still trying though.
Chances are I won’t make it to 37 weeks so I can’t even guess how I’ll be feeling before I deliver (1st was 40 weeks, 2nd 29 weeks, 3rd 35w2d), but I think whatever you’re doing, as long as your keeping up with it, is wonderful! And yes, those postpartum days are all about surviving, don’t focus on those rings at that time. I probably won’t be willing to do ANY extra activity until I’m past 6 weeks postpartum.
@maspick 18 weeks here. I’ve kept mine at 500/30/12, which was challenging in the first trimester 🙃 it’s a goal I can hit with a moderate workout, long walk etc + daily activity. I’m a nurse so on my work days I’m getting in good activity there too.

I like fitness data and “hitting my numbers”. I’ve kept it here so that I don’t get obsessive, but can close my rings relatively easily with exercise. I don’t always hit it on my rest days of course.
@maspick I’m 36 weeks and I’m at 600/30/12 but I’ll have to admit that getting 600 these days can be super tough. I’m thankful to be able to work from home so I’ve been trying to get some movement in by taking calls in different rooms and trying to go up and down the stairs... something is better than nothing!
@maspick 25+1 and my goals are 700/30/12 which I achieve 5-7 days with lifting and using the elliptical depending on how I’m feeling. I definitely struggled to close rings more during my first tri with the fatigue I was experiencing.

I don’t think I will adjust PP and will just not focus on hitting those goals until I am healed enough to start going on long walks and then eventually exercise.