Apple Watch Users, what are your current activity goals?


New member
Im currently at 37+0 and wondering how I should adjust my activity goals. Right now they are on the default 400 calories move goal, 30 minutes exercise and 12 hours standing. I don’t manage to close all rings every day anyways, but I think I will lower the move goal to 300 and the standing goal to 10 hours or even 9 hours for now (my afternoon naps just make anything else unrealistic haha). The exercise ring is easiest for me to close ironically - but I also let gentle restorative yoga and stretching count, so often it is not a real workout but more of a “do any kind of movement”, especially during lockdown.

For postpartum I will completely ignore all activity goals for a few weeks to fully concentrate on baby.

I’m curious - what is your approach?
@maspick I’m 25 weeks. I’ve kept 600/30/12 as my goals the whole pregnancy, but there are definitely days where cooking dinner counts as a workout for me. I’ve kept up with daily yoga for the last six weeks, and I’m running at least once a week.

I’m definitely going to lower my goals for weeks 36-PP though.
@maspick I’m really early in my pregnancy but mine are 600, 30, and 8. I close my exercise ring and standing almost every day, with the move ring being the hardest. I never really thought to change the goals, but I’m trying to pressure myself to close them everyday. I’m just focused and keeping active for baby and I.
@maspick I’m on 500/30/12 and have consistently hit them all for the last 2 weeks. I work a desk job so really trying to get walking at lunch or just doing steps during meetings that I don’t have to contribute to. I’m currently 20 weeks.

Week 5-15 I was lucky to hit 250 for move I was so tired and sick!
@maspick I’m 37+4 and my move goal is 450, stand goal is 12, activity goal is 30 mins.... how often do I hit them? Very rarely. Stand goal like every day, and I’m trying to walk a good amount, but I’m also doing a desk job in meetings constantly and have a toddler, so I don’t get much dedicated workout time right now. Also, by 5pm I’m either dead tired or have crazy acid reflux, so... it’s not going great. I’d just say do what you can, you’re almost there! if I get 6k steps a day I feel super accomplished.
@maspick I’m 8 weeks pp, and I have them at 400, 20, and 10. I moved them this way in the last few weeks of pregnancy, and it’s been perfect. I’m able to close them (almost) every day, and I often go way over in some of the categories. Keeping them low allows me to still work to meet them on days I don’t feel much motivation. If they were higher, I think I’d just give up on days when they felt unreachable! With my goals as they are now, I can always meet them, and then I always have the option to go way over! Having the exercise goal at 20 minutes has been particularly nice. 20 minutes isn’t intimidating at all, so I have even been doing a 20 minute treadmill walk before work! I started back at work 2 weeks ago, and I have NEVER been someone who wakes up before work to workout, especially with an 8 week old! But 20 minutes just feels so doable, and starting my day with that ring closed gets me off to a great start.
@maspick I’m 29 weeks and my goals are 400 calories, 45 minutes of exercise and 12 hours stand. I lowered my calories a bit from the 460 the system recommended to me, but I’m thinking of increasing them again because I keep going over and hitting about 500.