Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?


New member
It seems all I see on Reddit and hear IRL is stories about complicated pregnancies, fights, etc. Not so much here on r/predaddit, but just generally.

My wife loves being pregnant. She’s 32+4 now, so not long to go. All three trimesters she’s had a great time. Stress levels have been low, no morning sickness, no complications, and her mood has actually been better than normal - and she wasn’t feeling down/depressed beforehand. It’s not just me saying this, it’s her words. She’s even joked that if it was legal to get paid for surrogacy, she might take it up as a full time job.

There’s a reasonable chance this will be our only child, and she’s never been pregnant before, so this could be the only time she’s pregnant. And she’s actually a bit disappointed about this 😅

Is our experience unusual, or do people who have great pregnancies just not speak up about it?
@carolinafan74 I am a first time mum (I lurk here because this subreddit fills my heart and I love seeing how lovely you all are). I absolutely loved the feeling of being pregnant - very cliched but I honestly felt like it was just ‘right’ and what I was made to do. Rather than a monthly cycle of up and down hormones I felt more stable and steady than ever, really happy and positive, and despite some anxiety following a couple of losses I just really enjoyed the whole mad experience.
I think this really helped with my birth too - I loved it all and immediately said I’d do it again. Wishing you all the very best for a healthy birth and baby xxx
@required Oh sorry to hear this. Unfortunately I think your experience is quite common. I think pregnancy is beautiful but I do understand how you feel, it’s a huge change to your body. I hope everything goes well for you and it’s not too long until you meet your baby x
@required My wife is the same she is very sensitive about her body and doesn’t respond well to the changes. But it is all temporary and for something real good. You’ll get back in shape in no time. Hang in there!
@wisdomspy This is great to hear! My wife was pretty nervous about labour for a while, but after doing a birth class with an absolutely wonderful midwife, she’s feeling pretty good about it now 🙂

My instincts are that it’ll be a smooth labour (well, as smooth as a labour can be anyway 😅) and our little girl will be a chill baby. But I am trying not to get ahead of ourselves haha.

So glad to hear you had a great experience. And thanks ☺️
@wisdomspy I am also a Mom lurker here for the same reasons. I’m currently 21+4 with my fourth, and the posts from first time dads here are just heart melting and the bees knees.

While I have experienced very severe and negative symptoms like extreme food aversion and HG, my moods are so stable when I’m pregnant. I’ve struggled with depression for as long as I can remember (I’m 38 now) as well as having borderline personality disorder. I am so stable and smooth with no episodes. I love it so much.
@carolinafan74 Haha I’ve heard of it but it’s definitely not my fiancée 😅😭 doesn’t stop me from telling her how absolutely beautiful she is at the moment, just wish she’d believe me!!
@carolinafan74 My wife is same way! It's been going great for her but I haven't shared cause misery loves company and all you ever hear on Reddit are the bad parts so sharing the positive usually doesn't go well haha. We've been super lucky it's been an uneventful pregnancy. Just mostly aches but she's been doing fantastic going on 30 weeks
@carolinafan74 My wife gets sick occasionally and she’s been more tired but she’s definitely enjoyed the pregnancy so far at 21 weeks.

Could be because we tried for 2 years to get pregnant after our first ended in miscarriage though so she’s just happy we’re pregnant again.
@carolinafan74 Yeah my wife is going nuts on me. Every time our son kicks her she gets excited, she talks to him and has this funny conspiracy that they're like partners and he's planning things.

From the sidelines, it's hilarious to watch
@carolinafan74 Lurker mom— it was a hard pregnancy (HG) but I loved having my baby so close to me. Towards the end, I could feel him kicking all day and I knew he was safe and healthy. I miss being pregnant for many reasons but I don’t miss throwing up everyday, although eventually it just became routine.
@carolinafan74 My partner gave birth in October. And, while she didn’t mention it throughout the process we were reflecting back on the experience she mentioned she absolutely loved being pregnant.

I asked why she didn’t say anything while in the process and she just said she did not want to jinx it. 😂
@carolinafan74 We're almost done with the first trimester and my wife has been pretty much fine. A little more tired than usual and some odd food aversions, but overall it's been much less of a dramatic change than I was expecting. It's been nice because I feel like we can really enjoy the experience.