Any advice?


New member

My husband (30M) and I (30F) have been trying for a baby since September 2022.

When I was 23, I was diagnosed with stage 2 endometriosis (laparoscopically confirmed and treated). I was then put on the pill Cerelle (progesterone only) to prevent the endometriosis getting worse which I stopped in August 2022. My cycles returned to normal straight away and last between 27-28 days. I started with tracking ovulation and timing sex. Then started tracking my BBT to check if I’m ovulating which showed a clear temperature increase in the luteal phase.

As it has been over a year since we started trying, I went to the GP in October 2023. Just for information, I am based in the U.K. and I am using the NHS. They did the day 3 and day 21 blood tests, blood test for rubella, a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound scan, and urine tests to check for chlamydia.

My day 3 blood test results were all within normal range.

My day 21 blood test was 17.3nmol/L and in the NHS guidelines, it says “a serum progesterone of 30nmol/L or greater when measured 7 days before the next predicted menstruation (e.g. day 21 of a 28 day cycle) is good evidence of ovulation”.

They decided to repeat it again the following month (November) and this time, my result was 24.4nmol/L.

I saw two different GPs during this and one said I’m not ovulating and the other said they couldn’t confirm whether I have ovulated.

My husband has had his sperm analysis and the results came back normal. We were referred to the fertility clinic on 3rd of January and we are waiting for an appointment. I have no idea how long the wait times are.

I just feel like I’ve lost hope. In the whole time I’ve decided to try, 15 people have either gotten pregnant, including my sister in her first month of trying. It just feels so cruel and I am turning bitter. This whole process feels so lonely and even though my husband has been nothing but nice, I know he just doesn’t understand.

I know how much our parents want a grandchild, especially as we have now been married for 5 years but no one gets how hard it is until they’ve been in it.

I guess I’m just venting at this point. Does anyone have any advice or experience in having low progesterone during the luteal phase?

If you’ve made it this far, thank you very much for reading!
@rozenmaiden242 I would think starting on letrozole/clomid, either with timed intercourse or IUI, would a potential next step here. Letrozole can help you ovulate if you’re not, and help with timing even if you are already ovulating. I am from the US, so I don’t have insight into how this would work with the NHS. I also have endo, excised in January 2023 and no luck for me.
@andreea2017 Thank you for the information. I guess I’m just desperate for my appointment for something to happen. Clearly it won’t happen naturally.

I will push for them to do another laparoscopy, I reckon my endo has gotten worse over the year.
@rozenmaiden242 So sorry for you. I know this is a long shot, but do you eat anything with stevia in it? I try to be “healthy” and eat lots of protein supplements or sugar free foods, and then found out that stevia can block progesterone receptors which can be an issue if everything else was ruled out. Also, if you’re having a bbt increase, can you get an ultrasound to see whether you have a dominant follicle before your period? That would indicate ovulation right?
@atourthroats Thank you for your response. No I don’t but I googled whether aspartame had any effects based on what you said about stevia because I drink a lot of sugar free drinks. There are some studies that say it can affect the female reproductive system and hormones so I’m going to cut it out completely. I’m hoping when I get my appointment, they will do something - either ultrasound scan or prescribe medication to make me ovulate and then monitor
@rozenmaiden242 I don’t have much advice and am not sure how it would work in the UK but when I was first referred to the fertility unit in my health system it was a 6 month wait, which felt excruciating. Someone recommended looking for a specific fertility clinic (not in a health system but a private provider) and I was able to be seen very quickly. That at least helped my nerves.
@sammie85 I think I will do the same. I will chase it up next month so I can get a rough idea. Otherwise, we’ll just go private. I’ve already researched the options around here and I think I’ll need it before I have a proper breakdown.
@rozenmaiden242 In Scotland too and I’m waiting for the tube thing. I had iffy ovulation too so was referred really quickly to assisted reproduction. We’ve been trying since 2022 as well. It’s really lonely and shit. I totally get how you are feeling. I found these forums really helpful and supportive too.
@rozenmaiden242 im in the UK too and had similar 21 day progesterone tests, when on my actual day 21 always just under 30 and then when i tried to do it 7 days after a positive ovulation test it was 17 something! the doctors have just completely fobbed it off and said they don’t really confirm anything as it’s all so hard to pinpoint, they caused too much stress so i have given up with them. I have had similar other tests to you and my partner has had a SA but we are awaiting results now. Sorry i can’t give much help but wanted to share with you i’ve had similar experiences as it was “nice” to read it myself. Good luck, remember you are not alone in this journey! x
@convertedjc Thank you, in a weird way, it’s ‘nice’ knowing there are other people. I wish we weren’t in this group but at least we’re not alone. It’s hard to get a straight answer from anyone and I feel like the responses are different, depending on who you talk to. I really hope it happens for you soon ❤️