Anticipating the nauseous stage

@tangdalun Aww well I hope you don't get it too bad, my mum and I were same but my best friend and her mum were not.
Either way, first trimester is rough.
@tangdalun I was working out 5 days a week before my nausea hit week 5 and I haven't been able to work out a single day since (I'm week 10 now). It's difficult to go for walks even, bc my body heats up and makes the nausea worse, and I get tired fast. It sucks.
@tangdalun I was working out a few times a week and would take my dog out for a 1-2 hour walk/ day pre-pregnancy and early in the pregnancy. Around week 4 I got hit with terrible exhaustion (didn’t know I was pregnant yet) and started getting nauseous. I’m 13+2 now and haven’t been to the gym since then 😭 and because of how tired I’ve been those walks have gone down to like.. 10 min (my poor dog). The nausea is starting to get better now, but I’m still tired a lot so I plan on going back to the gym doing yoga a couple times a week and maybe some light lifting to ease back into it.

I’ll also say, some people don’t have bad nausea. My sister was a lucky one where she didn’t have it very bad and was only a bit fatigued. Hopefully you’re the same way. Good luck and congrats OP!
@tangdalun I wasn’t nauseous at all during my first pregnancy, but was nauseous/vomiting for basically the first 15 weeks of my current (second) pregnancy. I tried to be consistent with movement and would manage walking my dogs, but I gave myself grace since I was feeling so terrible.
@tangdalun 6 weeks, I’m not getting nauseous but fuck am I tired suddenly. Today I didn’t make it to the gym 😬 I normally go 5-6 days a week too but I’m waking up more and more tired everyday. I was so confident first trimester was gonna be a breeze.
@tangdalun I only ever got nauseous if I let my blood sugar drop. Lots of little snacks and was able to work out pretty normally during first tri; second tri is when it started to change with abs getting distended and not able to be used as much (and getting winded more easily).
@tangdalun I had a lot of nausea but I noticed that it was greatly diminished on days that I forced myself to workout. Just make sure to hydrate well, I had to have a half-strength Gatorade or a coconut water after each workout or else I would feel much worse.

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