Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

@danddolo This baby's problem is entirely the mother's fault! Actions and habits are learned in kids, not something they're just born with. This sounds like the mother enables her kids with their shitty actions, and/or is often the one responding negatively so they've picked up on it. I feel bad for the kid honestly. This sounds like one of those moms that goes into school after their kid gets in trouble for acting up and blames the teacher.
@sakura656 Her problem is that she's been watching your ass and not her kids. I would have said "instead of you gazing at my ass, why not move your eyes on over to watch your own children, get your priorities straight. I can't help my ass is stare worthy"
@sakura656 I would have found the teacher or employee involved with the school group and told them what occurred. That kind of language has no place in a children's museum.

If she continued, I'd find an employee of the museum. They don't want it there either.
@sakura656 What a bitch.

I would have mentioned her to the staff and explain what happened. Letting your child run amok in a museum is despicable and I'm sure the staff would want to keep an eye out and make sure nothing gets damaged from her garbage 'parenting skills'.

That, or shove her over and take her Starbucks to teach her that pushing people and taking their things is hurtful. Some people only learn through experience 🤣
@summerlander So I did mention to staff on the way out. The director of the museum called me later to apologize and tell me she was with a school group and she has been asked not to return do to the behavior of her daughter (sounded like there were other issues)
@sakura656 If you caught the name of the school group I would email the principal and let them know, especially because they might hear feedback from parents/kids about the words she was using. Then she can be added to the do not allow on field trip list
@emelauren Yes! 100% please email the principal if they were wearing anything with their school name. As a teacher, I can almost promise you that this parent was not wanted on the field trip and you’re not the only one she’s aggressive with.
@sakura656 Good on you for mentioning it to staff! Kids’ museums usually have rules of conduct and there’s no way she was within them. I feel bad for the kids she was there with. Her own daughter has probably normalized that behavior, which is bad enough, but the other kids were probably so confused.
@sakura656 Boom! Well done 👏🏼

Honestly the rage is still coursing through my body, but this made me feel much better. There is literally nothing else you, a reasonable human and responsible parent, could have done in this situation. Encounters like this make my blood boil because what are your going to do, throw down with her? The fact that nasty bully was part of a school trip though and actually got her comeuppance is such a happy ending. Far to often there is no real recourse.
@sakura656 Let the school know about what happened so she’ll know the consequences of her actions. I think if you leave it at that, she won’t stop bullying other moms.