Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

@sakura656 Considering the interaction you described, this child likely has a developmental or neurological disorder so yeah, the likely have a lot of unkind interactions like this to look forward too. That’s pretty cruel though isn’t it? As a fully formed adult you could’ve led by example. Imagine how differently everyone’s day could’ve been if you had taken a deep breath and said “oh no! Are you okay? Did it hurt when you fell? I know that wasn’t very nice. Excuse me little girl, we need to keep our hands to ourselves. Please give that toy back and you can have the next turn”.
If you even need to be very stern with a stranger’s child, that’s when you need to talk to their parent.
@sakura656 I would’ve gone to whoever’s in charges of the place and made a formal complaint. Also, found out if she was with a school & what school to also inform them.

But honestly I would’ve had to taken everything in me not to beat the crap out of her for allowing her child to do that to my child. I’m a momma bear with mental health problems so if she would’ve touched me or gotten in my face or anything I would’ve blacked out and it wouldn’t be pretty. So you handled this excellent. But, definitely don’t be afraid to stick up for yourself or your child by getting the higher ups involved.
@sakura656 It’s a lot easier to change the shape of a butt than it is to change a miserable and bitter personality.

You sound lovely so I’m glad you spent your life becoming a wonderful person instead of focusing on getting the perfect butt.

Honestly when people are that vile I sometimes loudly respond and often lie in my response. “Your child pushed my child down and I gently responded to not do that, you should not be threatening me and cursing at me- I won’t accept being spoken to like that!” Then I’d complain to staff about them and how I don’t feel safe with my children here and post reviews if nothing was done.

“This place is great but children run unsupervised and hurt my child, parents harassed us until we left and swore in front of my child- staff did nothing and we all left crying. So as long as everyone there is great you will have a good time, if not you paid to be harassed and they don’t care and don’t address awful people ruining it for everyone else. They do not care to maintain a safe and appropriate environment for children.”

I work in a public school and have had some awful parents lose their minds so I’ve unfortunately had experience with awful people. They’re manipulating and mean so I’ve just now become manipulative and mean back or cut them off and say “no you can’t talk to me like that.” My therapist says I cannot control someone else’s emotions or reactions, it’s not my job to teach them. I can only control my reaction. So I decided my reaction is dramatic victim so the court of public opinion comes down on them hard. Not sure this is the best way to deal with it but it’s very effective.

Also look at you getting out of the house with a baby and a toddler, damn you’re killing it right now! That’s impressive as hell.
@sakura656 What an absolute moron. First, who uses that terminology around kids? Like come on, this isn’t high school and she’s an adult. I would of talked to her like a child. “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all.” “Let’s learn to take a deep breath or two before we react.” or just a “Good example.” with a thumbs down. Those always make people angry. In all a seriousness, you handled yourself well. Let her behave incorrectly. You stood up for your little one and didn’t stoop to that level. Kudos.
@sakura656 People react so strangely when they feel someone "attacking their child".

Good people might be embarrassed that their child did something rude, correct their child and apologize to the other people involved.

But even good people have bad days and might react with a smart remark to the other adult involved because mama bear kicks in.

Jerks will go around reinforcing their stupid remark with other people afterwards, feeling justified in their "anger" because "how dare someone talk to their kid" regardless of what the kid did.

You have encountered a jerk. Their behavior IS absurd. My sister, bless her, is kind of like this-- her kids can do no wrong... and my nephew ended up in jail for stealing firearms but you know, it wasn't his fault, the police were wrong, etc.

I once heard two things that have been helpful to me: "don't give a crap and the butt is useless" -- essentially, if you don't care their comments lose their impact. "Joy steals an assailant's satisfaction"-- Not just ignoring, but being truly happy in their face doesn't give them the dopamine hit of sticking it to someone. The best reaction I have ever found is laughing at the ridiculousness of it all :)