Another kid at my step son’s school called him a Ching Chong, what would you do?

@thecabinetbarn Been called Ching Chong, chink, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, slanty, jap, and small dick every year of grade school starting from about 4th grade.

Frankly, there is no stopping it. It will keep happening to your kid even if this one kid is removed. Kids are racist and assholes (just hop onto any video game voice chat). The best you can do is support him and help him process the racism and understand it isn't about him.
@katrina2017 I have an Asian last name that sounds like a sound effect. Got made fun of most of elementary school and middle school but this was the 90s where schools didn’t really care about this kind of thing. There is no avoiding this sort of thing so it’s important to learn coping skills. Basically the other kid is a jerk but if you learn to not let it bother you it takes all the power out of the bullying.
@rodite I've got a Scandinavian last name that's difficult to say and if pronounced wrong can sound similar to a bodily function. I've heard all the variations of it. Kids are cruel but I got used to it.

Although I think my friend Richard Burns got it worse.
@rodite One of my Asian friends is literally named Bruce Lee. I can only imagine how many jokes he gets. I purposely tried to avoid pointing that out when i first met him
@katrina2017 The worst part is, it seems like racism against Asians is one of the more "acceptable" racisms that exist in the USA. Like people would sooner make jokes about non-native-English speaking Asians mixing up L sounds and R sounds, than make a racist joke about any other race. And they get called out for it way less even on reddit.
The worst part is, it seems like racism against Asians is one of the more "acceptable" racisms that exist in the USA.

Not that it's ever acceptable, but I promise you that this sort of thing is less acceptable than it was back in the 80's when I was a kid. Even then it was less acceptable than it was before. We and the younger generations just need to stand up against racist crap and not put up with it.
@natvin Agreed. Like, people have gotten a punch in the face from talking shit to me and being racist. I think black people generally don’t play in those regards, so people stop.
@kiriya And then you run into minority groups being racist to each other. Like how some of the most violent hate crimes against Asians over the past few years were perpetuated by Black people.