Am l wronge for wanting everyother weekend and holiday with my daughters


New member
I'm 30f with 2 daughters 9f and 3f. I'm No longer with the youngest dad,and is in another relationship with someone who have kids also. The thing is i work 2 weekends out the month and off 2 weekends.I agreed for the dad to get one of those weekends i get one. We happen to work both weekends so we cant alternate on work weekends. They go to a babysitter on those days that i solely pay for. The dad feel like i should give him every weekend we're off. And his family feel like cause im in a new relationship i should give them holidays when i feel like they should get every other holidays. I know im probably rambling but im at the point of tired of accommodating my ex family and then get picked at like im the bad guy when i don't agree to what they want. What should i do. Also my oldest goes along as they look at her like their own. In all honesty i feel like they tryna prevent my kids from being apart of my new relationship. I feel like they tryna prevent my kids from bonding with my S/O family and children. Also been with my partner for 8 months so not so new but new to them.

Thank you everyone for the advice💛
@lzz If neither of you are able to adjust your work schedule, the fair thing to do is split the free time equally. That goes for holidays too. Time with your kids is too precious. The new relationship argument is nonsense.
  1. He should pay for one of the babysitter's weekends
  2. You should get one of the two weekends. That's only fair
  3. Weekends are special! You shouldn't have to give up every weekend with your kiddo until they're 18!
  4. Looks like you're gonna be the bad guy no matter what so do what you want 🤷‍♀️
  5. Stop being so nice! You sound like a very nice person and they're clearly taking advantage of that
@setst777 Thank you. I try to be as civil as can be. I don't want my daughters feeling like im tryna make play family with the person im with now although we have been talking bout marriage in the near future. I just thought maybe i was tripping because they kept saying that im being unreasonable.
@lzz My ex and I have a 3-4-4-3 schedule with Wednesday being the alternated day.

He has Sunday Monday and Tuesday, and I have Thursday Friday and Saturday. It gives us both half of the weekend which I think is do able. Holidays should always be alternated, including birthdays and mother/father days going to the respective parent
@jigster 😫😫thing is me and him work at the same place on the same shift just different areas. Work 2-off 2- work 3 / off 2-work 2-off 3 so its kinda hard alternating other then going by every other long week we're both off.
@lzz If you get every other weekend then he should get weekdays as a compromise. I agree parenting plan sucks when one parent is doing the whole mon-fri school week routine and one gets all the weekends. During the week if they’re in school or/and you’re working you only get to see them for like 20 hours total mon-fri
@heavensvoice Well my oldest isn't his and she we'll be going back to school in person..he doesn't have a car so weekdays not doable at least for her but is for the youngest. I have total say so for her as her actual father have no right and my youngest father have not adopted her. But i try to be fair to her being that's how she look at them as family
@lzz The way I do it with my Co-parents is as close to 50/50 as we can. Holidays get alternated (except for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day)and custody is week on week off.