Age gap between #2 and #3?

@jojoz Of course! I think with you saying you’re over 35 I 100% understand! For me it was their births. Caesarean, VBAC, VBAC, caesarean. That’s what made it rough for me. That and adding the 4th is something I’m still adjusting to and the kid is 3! 😂 Good luck! The good days are so good and overshadow the craziness of every day.
@jojoz I had 3 under 3 for about 1 month. 1st and 2nd are 15 months apart and 2nd and 3rd under 18 months apart. My youngest is almost a year old. Right now it is quite chaotic going to the store, so I save money that way because I don’t like to go haha!

Honestly I grew up the oldest in a large family, so I am really used to kids. I won’t lie, it’s been hard at times but I wouldn’t change a thing. I love my family of littles ❤️ all three are friends and I really hope that continues on to their teenage and adult years
@genuinelyseeking My first 3 have a very similar gap to yours! Then we went on to have #4 three years later, and #5 20 months after that so I joined 2u2 again. I’d love to go for #6 and be 3u3 one last time but that’s just crazy for my life. Goes to show you how much I loved it though!!
@jojoz The gap is 2.5 years. At the time it was needed because 1 and 2 are 13 months apart. The gap between 3 and 4 being 19 months. So right now we are in a weird stage where the older two are middle school and the younger two are mid elementary school and I’m just like dang, these last two will take forever to get out of elementary 🤣
@jojoz 3 under 3 here and I’m 35. We have a 16 month gap and a 20 month gap.

My oldest two were indifferent to each other for the first 6 months but now are the best of friends. They can’t handle being separated. When my little girl was born her brothers were immediately incredibly affectionate with her and it’s a big difference from my older two. I’m not sure if my middle boy is just more aware than his brother was or if that 4 months made a big difference.

I wouldn’t change my spacing. They are all in the same phase of life and they’ll grow up so close.
@despina I absolutely love my 18 month gap. My two oldest children - a boy and a girl- are best friends. They are so close and play so well together! Now that I’m going in to #4, though, I think the more children involved the easier it is to have a 2-3 year age gap for the new baby. The more children I have to keep track of, the fewer I want in the 0-3 diaper/crazy/walking range! I’d prefer the numbers of children to skew towards self sufficiency when I have to focus on a tiny tot. But I’m not planning my spacing so we’ll see how it goes. Also, the more children I have, the less my body is presumably going to “like” a shorter gap. Since I’m not choosing, I just choose to do the best with what I get and it’s been working great.
@jojoz 13 months and it was brutal and unfair to the children we already had to be honest. The most ideal age gap is at least over 2 years. 3 years was my favorite gap.
@jojoz I do! My oldest was 8 at the time so she was able to enjoy the baby phase with us and watching that special bond has been really amazing. Now they are 10 and 2 and thick as theives. Also having the youngest at the time be able to play independently and not need mom as much as a two year old might made it a lot less hectic.
@jojoz I had three under three for a year (twins then a singleton). I didn’t enjoy it very much, but that’s probably because I had zero help.

My husband works very long days, and is often gone for 12 to 14 hours a day. We have no close family and because of COVID, I was never able to establish a tribe in our new state. So it was just me and them 24/7 for a couple years- no school, daycare etc. It was stressful for me.

If I could do it again, I would wait about 2.5 years between children. I am also an older mom, but it’s so much easier to deal with a baby when the others are at least potty trained and can follow basic directions!
@birdyyyy I was going to say: 2 minutes age gap.

Also a twin mom. And my twins are sandwiched between.

Gap between oldest and twins: 21.5 months. It was rough.

Gap between twins and baby: 2.5 years. Much better.
@iferexo Oh Lordy. That’s a lot lol. Especially with newborn twins and a toddler?? Wowza

I love them to death, but I wouldn’t do it again if I have the choice. It was just too hard!! I think back on the baby days, and I can’t remember a single thing 🥲 and the mom-guilt….ugh!

The youngest just turned two, and I finally feel like myself lately ❤️

Have a nice weekend with your littles!!

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