Age gap between #2 and #3?

@jojoz Child 1 and 2 are 19m apart. Child 2 and 3 are 35m apart. Child 3 and children 4/5 will be a predicted 25m apart. 35m was definitely easier but I also love the 19m gap. I also couldn't necessarily attribute the reason to the age gap. Child 3 is an easy going person and I have more experience now with parenting multiple children. Plus my husband took more time off when she was born than he did with the first two. Pretty sure we are screwed come Dec/January when the twins come regardless of age gap. Because of the whole 2 babies at the same time thing.
@goldladyslipper Sooo true about gaining parenting wisdom with each additional kiddo + dad’s parental leave making a big impact. Thank you for sharing.

I’m sending you all the strength, patience, and coffee for when the twins arrive!
@jojoz They should be right under 2 years apart (had to intentionally avoid #2s birthday when scheduling my csection for #3 lol)

If it matters, #1 and #2 are 21 months apart. We went for the same age gap because while hectic, it’s super fun. ESPECIALLY now that they’re almost 4 and almost 2. Best buddies!
@jojoz Between 2 and 3 is 3 years and 1 month. It was honestly my favorite gap. 1 and 2 is 19 months and it was rough for a bit. And then 3 and 4 is 2 years and 3 months. The longer gap allowed the first two to be fully potty trained and more independent before we added to the chaos.
@jojoz My first 2 kids are 2 years apart. Baby number 3 is 4 years younger than number 2 and 6 years younger than number 1. So they are currently 15, 13 and 9.

I have some thoughts. It was a little tough at first. The older 2 were doing big kid things and the youngest was a napping baby and then a toddler who of course never wanted to sit still. It was a little rough sometimes coordinating play dates, practices, and baby stuff.

Now that they are older, I have 1 in elementary, 1 in middle school and one in high school. 2nd year (and last) year of this. It's been kind of a crazy logistical adventure. But next year my middle will be in high school and we will be back to 2 schools. My husband and I work pretty flexible jobs, so that helps.

I feel very fortunate that my kids all get along quite well with each other, minus the usual squabbles. I think their age gaps are just fine. Our 9 year old rounds out the teen angst nicely some days, and other days it's like having a 3rd teenager!😆

I don't really have any regrets about their age gaps, though I sometimes wonder how having our 3rd baby sooner would be. The early days are gonna be crazy no matter what! But definitely consider their age gaps in school.
@jojoz 1 and 2 was 19 months. 2 and 3 are just over two years (26 months). We don’t plan our babies we just take them as they come, that being said, I love the first age gap and equally love the second being longer! I remember thinking when #2 was 19 months that I couldn’t imagine having #3 already. #3 is only 2.5 weeks lol but so far it’s been great.
@jojoz 4 years- biggest gap for all our kids. But it ended up being good as the older two are proper ‘big’ siblings to #3 while being close enough to each other that they’re more like equals/friends/rivals.
@jojoz lol it’s chaos and perhaps not ideal.. I’ve got five kids - 6.5ys, 5.5yrs, 4yrs, 3yrs, and say 20mfhs - and that 2/3 period is probably the worst from my experience. Old enough to be toilet training but not quite old enough to put their emotions into words. Get the eldest off bottles but wait to reneg the younger one back into them because they see the baby having them. It passes of course but it’s a trying period..
@jojoz 20 months between my first and second
19 months between my second and third

I’m currently pregnant with my fourth and this baby will be 19 months apart from my third.
I’ll be 36 when I have this baby.
@jojoz I have a 2.5yr age gap between my first and second and a 3yr age gap between second and third. I love the age gap between my second and third. It felt like that extra 6mo of development helped my middle child be more independent, while keeping the age gap close enough that hopefully they’ll eventually play together (youngest is only 16mo right now). Middle child was able to better understand what to expect and handled the transition better than my oldest when the middle child was born. And I’m sure part of that was because it’s just a different kind of transition adding 1 to 2, rather than 1 to 1, but I think part of it was age too.
@jojoz I did 3 under 3. (12 month gap between 1&2, 15 month gap between 2&3). If you are already doing 2 under 2, you can handle it. You’ll have at least two years of pure chaos but it get significantly easier
@jojoz 2 years for 2, 3, and 4. 4 between 1 and 2. I think the two years was killer for me personally. If I could choose I think 3 would have been perfect.