After baby workouts

@tarina We got a home gym during covid, and it’s the best thing we ever did. I can squeeze in a meaningful 20min workout if I was pressed for time, I could never do that before bc getting to and from the gym took extra time. Honestly, should have done it years ago.
@tarina I second the at-home gym ideas. I started working out before work, so I'm up at 515 to get my workout in (YouTube has some great channels for at-home workouts). It means I go to bed a little earlier, but it's my time.
@tarina I personally plan on doing home workouts and taking baby into a trail in a stroller until he is older. Then I would possibly try to incorporate classes while they watch him at the Y. There are great home workouts options now with streaming services, you tube etc.
@tarina Can you workout during your lunch break? Or is there a gym by your office that you could use before you pick up your kid to go home?
@tarina Can you workout during your lunch break? Or is there a gym by your office that you could use before you pick up your kid to go home?
@tarina At first (3-5 months) it might be really rough!! But once LO is settled into a routine, it’s possible!
The gym/workout situation was important for us too. What we did was establish a sleep routine for our kiddo that meant she was in bed by 630-7 every night. She’s now 2.5 and still goes to bed every might by 7pm.
This means I can go to the gym in the evenings after she goes down.
We also got a used squat rack and weights for the garage and that helps because I can sneak a workout in anytime she’s snoozing - even if I’m the only parent home!
Lately she’s been into drawing with chalk on the driveway and I can get a few sets in while she does that too 😊 (lots of safety concerns to be aware of but it is possible!!).
@eznguyenphuong07 I have a couple of sets of dumbbells and kettle bells I used while gyms were closed and I was able to get in a pretty good workout using just those. I might try and find a used barbell with maybe a set of 25’s and 45’s. We have a big garage so space wouldn’t be a big issue.
@tarina Workout at home, or, I had a gym right near my old office that I went to on my lunch hr a few days a wk. Also if you're able to adjust your hours somehow to workout right after work that could work. Lower your expectations of during week workouts and get a good one in on the weekends. It's a season. Once the kids are older, it's easier.

I'm lucky we have a small room in our basement w a full complement of equipment. I'm actually never going back to a gym again. Which tbh I'm thrilled about.
@jayre Lunch break would be perfect but I’m an elementary teacher and have about 20 mins for lunch and it’s with kids. I think my only options are to either home gym or go after my husband gets home from work.
@tarina Ah crud. That stinks. It worked out really well being a desk jockey, I could basically just make up whatever, as long as my work finished. :)

Something to be said for evening workouts. Infact, it'll make your husband the defacto bedtime master - not a bad thing!
@tarina Pre-Covid, I joined a gym that had childcare. It seems like it would be convenient to stop on your way home after picking up your babe. During Covid we built a home gym, and now, I work out before my daughter is up, but I also WFH, so my mornings are less hectic.