After baby workouts


New member
I’m due in 10 weeks and although I know I won’t be working out soon after the baby comes, I’m just thinking ahead to when I’ll be able to when I go back to work full time, have a baby, etc. I don’t want to give up going to the gym completely as it is one thing I’ve held onto for a VERY long time. My husband and I both work full time. He works 8-6 M-TH and I work 7-3:30 M-F. I also have a 30 minute commute to and from work. The baby will be going to daycare in the town that I work in so once I’m off work, I’ll have her until her dad gets home around 6:30. I’m trying to think if there’s any possible way I’ll be able to go to the gym at least twice during the week.

My husband suggested that I go in the mornings but I don’t think he realizes how many things I’m going to have to do already to get her ready for daycare and get myself out of the door, to daycare by around 6:40, then drop her off and go to work. I’d have to get up at like 3 am. My only other option would be to go after he gets home but I think I’d feel guilty about leaving her after working all day 😢. How in the world do y’all work full time, mom, and stay fit? I just can’t get my mind around it.
@tarina You have a three options, from how I see it:

1) Incorporate your kid into your workout. If you’re a runner, get a jogging stroller, if you work out at home, set up your kid with a play area in the room, that kind of thing.

2) Join a gym with childcare and workout on your way home.

3) Workout when your kid is asleep.

FWIW, I workout when my kids are asleep (6 pm and 7:15 pm bedtimes, and I have a garage gym, so everything is pretty accessible). It’s not my favorite, since it makes for a late night and less time with my SO, but I hate waking up earlier than I have to.
@tarina Can you change daycare to where your husband works or to where you live ? He starts a lot later , and then one of you can have the am slot and one of you can have the pm slot .

Otherwise , I would try to workout on your lunch break if possible or after baby goes to bed.

Or workout in the morning and have your husband get the baby totally ready for daycare so when you come home you can just pack her up and leave.
@talisra This is what I was going to suggest as well. If your husband is on baby duty in the morning, you can do what you need to during that time and then be on baby duty in the evening. I like the idea of dad getting baby up and ready in the mornings.
@talisra Well we could. However, we chose this daycare because she is closed on all holidays that teachers are off (I’m a teacher) and we won’t have to pay for the 2 weeks at Christmas and pay to keep her spot during the summer. Ideally he would take her to daycare and I’d pickup but we couldn’t turn down saving that much on daycare.
@tarina I built a gym in my garage and workout in the morning before work when the kids are still asleep. I have to get up at 4:30, but it’s worth it for me to get a workout in. When I entered the third trimester I couldn’t wake up that early anymore so I’ve taken to working out after work while my girls (8 and 4) play outside while it’s nice. When this baby is born I plan to bring him to the garage with me in a pack and play so I can get my workouts in, as I’m able to.
@tarina Gosh I don’t know! And I don’t know how people do it. I really want to try to go in the mornings too but you’re right it makes for a long/early morning so idk HOw it’ll all shake out 🥴
@annem2017 Yeah, I agree because at first who knows how they will sleep? I think it's not reasonable to get up at 4 or 5AM to get it done early if you've been up at night changing and feeding etc. I think you are just going to have to be flexible before getting a routine. I think some exercise during their lunch break but obviously if you're getting sweaty you might not have enough time to eat, exercise and shower during a break. I hope you guys both figure it out!
@trvadams I am just trying to realize that at first I might have less gym time and more on my own time at home! But I try to remember it’s just a phase and it’ll get better! And my husband is super supportive so whatever he needs to do to help he will!
@annem2017 I told my husband that we have may just have to invest in a set of dumbbells for the time being. Fitness is just a part of myself I really don’t want to lose! We will figure it out.
@tarina I would recommend prepping everything for daycare the night before — bottles, clothes, etc. and working out during naps or before she wakes up for the day.
@tarina 1) Look for a gym with childcare. I don’t know how you feel about classes instead of an open gym, but I ended up joining Burn Bootcamp which has free childcare. Maybe see if there’s one in your area. The workouts vary day to day and week to week so it’s a well rounded workout.

2) Have your husband do child duty when he gets home from work twice a week and you can workout. Remember to ask for help and communicate what you want/need.
@loyal1975 I’m really really hoping the childcare will be open by then. Both of the gyms close to us have childcare but are still closed due to Covid. I don’t think he will have a problem with it at all. I’m just worried about the mom guilt
@tarina I'm planning to workout over my lunch break. I'm lucky enough to work for a university with a gym but if you have access to at least a shower, a lunch time run could be an option.