Ads and instructions for the Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper


New member
When this recalled product comes up I see a LOT of misinformation about it.

I think everyone needs to watch this ad, look closely at the design and listen to the audio. It really speaks for itself on why it is unsafe. Even when “used properly.”

Watch the ad for a Fisher Price Newborn Rock n Play Sleeper

There were a lot of versions of these with different features. Some plugged in to rock themselves etc. So many different sets of instructions.


Different instructions

I could keep linking instructions…
@bharati21 Literally fought with someone selling this on FB marketplace. Told them about the recall, the deaths, how unsafe it is, and illegal to sell. They blamed the parents saying it was their fault for leaving the child unattended. I reported it, but they keep relisting the item. I really hope no one buys it 😞
@martin53 Oh wow. I think you can still return it and get money back from the company? We returned ours 2 years after buying it and got the full amount that we paid back.
@martin53 This is me in my local buy nothing group! It gets posted all the time, and I’ve argued with people who make a point to say it’s recalled but “safe if supervised.” Uh, no.
@bharati21 Thank you! The Consumer Reports investigation that resulted in its recall is really incredible journalism. Really makes you weary of a lot of baby stuff on the market and the gaps in regulations.
@ikon A nannied a kid that slept in this every night as a newborn (luckily no incidents). I was still a teenager at the time and none of us knew better. I was a little shook up when I saw the recall now I know any incline is dangerous. This babe was also named after his uncle who died of SIDS.
@presvytera Oh no, this made my stomach drop. I think back to my first nanny job at 18, and how they had me place the baby belly down at 3 months because she slept better that way. I didn’t know any better! Thankfully nothing happened.

But gosh, named after the uncle who died of SIDS and unknowingly tempting fate like that… can you imagine if they lost the baby? I am not superstitious but I would be a mess and think I’d cursed my baby with the namesake. So glad baby was ok.
@toysernis I nannies for a family for 5 years and just did whatever they told me to do. Now that I'm a parent, I keep having nightmares because some of the things they encouraged is so dangerous! I'm so lucky none of the kids were hurt on my watch.
@toysernis They naturally were so paranoid about this baby’s safety. It sucks that people can try so hard to do the right thing but it’s made so unclear by companies what is actually safe.
@bharati21 Yeah honestly, I'd encourage everyone to research any product you are recommended or that you add to a registry, are gifted, etc. if you are located in the US. Think about it logically too and if it makes sense to use based on what you know about why certain guidelines are in place. There are still a lot of unsafe products sold and I think they'll eventually be recalled. It sucks, but our regulations are really lax in the US.
@noldoxis The regulation system for most infant/kid things is a lawsuit system. Something is made, a child gets injured/dies, the company gets sued, they pull the product so they don’t get sued more.

There are a few regulated things. Car seats (just the seat not any car seat accessories), cribs, formula, labeling 3+ on chocking hazards, etc. Some new legislation was just released for inclined sleepers because of this recall.
@bharati21 One thing that really surprised me as a new parent was finding out that only things labeled as “cribs” or “bassinets” have to meet safety regulations. I had mistakenly assumed that all infant sleep products were regulated, but apparently if you call it a sleeper/snoozer/napper/whatever you can avoid it.
@emmanuel2016 Yes! The baby industry has changed but it still has far to go. They still use words to lead a caregiver to believe that sleeping in the thing are ok, but then somewhere in the manual it says no no don’t you let baby sleep in this!

Example from the description of the first baby thing I clicked on.

“Gently lower the swing seat to create a safe and comfortable spot to rest without being disturbed. The swing seat reclines to a rocker with an easy, one-hand motion, giving your baby a safe and comfortable spot to rest without having to be moved from the swing.”
@bharati21 Wow, I don't know about other babies, but mine does not "rest". She's either asleep, eating, playing, or kicking up a fuss because she wants to do one of those things and I'm not helping her fast enough.

I guess this is why I didn't really understand the concept of an infant "lounger". Because they're not actually made for lounging, they're made for sleeping but they can't be called that because they're unsafe.

This is freaking diabolical.