About to start an all night 12 hour drive w a 6 week old and 2.5 year old. Appreciate some positive vibes fellow fathers

@divinediv It's sad when your dad tells you a story like this, then you go and do the same thing.

I speak from experience. However, when my son has his kids I'm sure he will try it too.

We are all a bunch of idiots I guess.
@shon212011 Maybe by the time your son has kids it will be a self-driving car, everyone can sleep and it just becomes the bedroom.

Communities with lots of young families will just have a bunch of cars roaming around all night.
@bellsmom You probably know this already, but the newborn can’t be in the car seat for more than an hour or two before you have to stop and move them around. Rub their legs, get them moving.
@eva01 Then he shouldn’t be driving 12 hours with a newborn. We all make changes to our lives when we have kids. One of those changes should be not driving 12 hours with a fucking newborn.
@bellsmom Stay alert, easy to let the road lull you into a daze. Kids should! Fingers crossed, be able to knock out for a good portion of it. Having mom in the back to feed (if the little one is on a bottle) will hopefully take care of the cluster feeds. A good book is a great way to pass the time. Think thriller over philosophical concepts.
@bellsmom We did a 12 hr drive and broke it up In 2 days because I had to bring big items back. If we have to do it again we are talking about a night drive. So please let me know how it goes?

Also our 9 month old was really good
3yo was a different story, he got to a point he was just saying he had to pee so he could get out