Abnormal semen analysis results


New member
Was just told I that we have to go back again and pay another $275 out of pocket because my husband's semen analysis came back as abnormal. Can anyone help explain his results to me? I have PCOS and was told I needed a semen analysis from my husband before I could continue with more Letrozole cycles.


Volume (ml): 5.0

Color: Gray pH: 7.2

Round cells (mil/ml): 2

Viscosity: 2

Debris: Low

Agglutination: 0

Liquefaction: yes

Sperm Evaluation:

Sperm Density (mil/ml): 37

Total sperm count (mil): 185 or 18.5 (I can't tell if there is a period or not so which one is more likely?)

% Progressive Motility: 46

Total Active Count (mil): 85 %

Total Motility: 67 (progressive + non-progressive)

Motility Grading:

%Type 3 (progressive): 46

%Type 2 (non-progressive): 21

%Type 1 (Immotile): 33

Strict Criteria Sperm Morphology:

1% Normal

Comments: "Low % normal morphology. Recommend repeating analysis in 8 weeks to confirm results."
@scotthilton993 It's an isolated teratozoospermia, since all the other parameters are good (density, motility). We are in the same case and our RE is not worried about it.

It seems to me that there's a sub on Reddit that deals more specifically with the subject but I can't remember which one!
@scotthilton993 Total count should be 185 million (concentration is 37 mil/ml and volume was 5ml).

As others have said, don’t worry about morphology if the other parameters look good. The other numbers look above average to me.
@scotthilton993 Hi, total counts are 185 million, which can be explained by the 5mL and having 37mil/mL.
The morphology is 1% (normally they want 4% to be “normal”) but people do get pregnant with less than that. I would not worry that much. They are moving and they are plenty.
@scotthilton993 My husband had 1% low morphology in a SA and I believe this is why we were not getting pregnant.

His other results were ok. In the average range. But I was not getting pregnant.

After getting the 1% result he went on a total lifestyle overhaul and health kick. He gave up caffeine and alcohol (had the odd beer). He took a cocktail of vitamins all recommended for sperm health. He never had baths, ate loads of organic vegetables and little meat. He exercised like crazy. And generally was just incredibly fit and healthy. We BD every other day or daily if we felt like it and within 3 months of that SA I was pregnant. He had another SA (actually the day after my positive test) and his morphology was now 4% and all other results off the charts.

You can compare your partners SA against the World Health Organisation levels and see what the normal/excellent ranges are. If you have PCOS even more crucial for your partner’s sperm to be SUPER HEALTHY. He can 100% control this through health and lifestyle choices. Good luck!