A few questions from a newbie


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I am 7 months pregnant with my first baby. I plan to cloth diaper her. I just ordered my first 'lot' from E-Bay yesterday and it has already been shipped.
Alva pocket w/ inserts OS, EUC, gorgeous patterns!
So here are my questions. Feel free to add any input you feel would be necessary for a noob.
  1. For pocket diapers, what should my diaper:insert ratio be? 1:1? 1:2? (the ones I ordered are 1:1, but the others that I plan to order are 1:2).
  2. Can I use an extra insert or folded prefold inside my pocket diaper for added absorption/protection? Is that something people do? Or is it completely unnecessary?
  3. Can I use off-brand/non-Alva inserts with my Alva pockets?
  4. Do different types of cloth diapers need different detergent? I plan to have an assortment of cloth diapers. Mostly pockets and prefolds w/ covers/wraps. I don't want to bother with other styles just yet.
    Which detergent would you recommend?
    Do any of you make your own cloth diaper laundry detergent? If so, how does it differ from the regular homemade laundry powder soap (the kind that you make with washing soda, borax, fels-naptha, etc.)?
  5. Is there any brand of prefold that comes in a OS option?
  1. For the first 6 months 1:1 worked for us. She's 14 months now, and 1:2 still works. We use Alva OS pockets too!
  2. I bought some microfiber towels at 99c store and I stuff one of those in with the insert it came with. Works great. Haven't had any stink issues with microfiber.
  3. I would think so, but I have no personal experience.
  4. I like Kirkland (Costco) Cheap and works well!
  5. Never used prefolds, so I can't help there.
Btw, you can buy Alva diapers directly from them at alvababy.com and they're usually a lot cheaper than the bundles on amazon and ebay.
@synthesis Other posters have pretty well covered it, just a few thoughts:
  1. You will know. We currently take care of a 4 month old (one microfiber insert) and have a two year old (a prefold and an insert or three inserts, whatever is handy). Don't worry about buying extra diaper inserts now, later you can use prefolds or other random inserts.
  2. Guarantee you will have to! One reason we kept newborn prefolds around once he was too big for them; they are the perfect stuffing size when folded.
  3. Stuff whatever you can in there!
  4. I would recommend fluff love as well. They have washer-specific routines even that will tell you which settings to use.
  5. There is no way this would be possible, IMO. You need a pretty large prefold if you want to pin it on a toddler. We have newborn/size one prefolds we use to stuff pockets (well, the newborns are too small for that even now!), and they are way too teeny to put on him. That being said, I can't imagine him being still enough for that now!
We started with prefolds/covers exclusively, picked up some AIOs and pockets for sitters/in-laws to use. I HATED the AIOs and pockets on him as a newborn, because they just could not fit as well. The prefolds with newborn covers were a must for us. As he grew, I moved more and more towards pockets and fitteds. Much better for a wriggling toddler, and you can change them standing up much easier if you need to if there is no changing table.
@lc94fsh I found a cheap way to pin normal sized prefolds on a toddler.

We use bummis baby sized prefolds that are 14"x18", we stopped being able to snappi them around my little giant at about a year old so I took a flour sack towel and sewed little wings to make the width I needed.

The final product is 4 layers of flour sack towel cotton, 1.5"x4". Two layers on the back of the prefold, 2 on the front, then sewed together into a rectangle and zigzagged around the ended to prevent fraying.

I put one on each side and now 6 of my prefolds are 18" wide in the waist, perfect for nights.
  1. I don't use pocket diapers anymore, however I have found that one correctly sized cotton prefold is plenty and the only time I have to double up is night time. In my opinion microfiber is the cheap, unlikable insert, i found they're prone to stink issues, they leak when squished, and they feel gross on my hands. I'm 100% a natural fiber kinda girl.
  2. You can definitely use pad folded prefold diapers inside a pocket diaper, in fact a size small (infant) is perfect for the first two rise settings (fold perpendicular to the seams for the 1st rise setting, and parallel to the seams for the second). Depending on your child, it is technically possible to continue using the size small prefolds until potty training. My kid pees like a horse though so we upgraded to the bulkier size large (Baby) for daytime use. I double up the prefolds (one small, one large) for nights.
  3. Go ahead, mix and match to your hearts content. My personal favourite inserts are prefolds followed closely by receiving blanket flats.
  4. For cloth diaper washing advice please visit Fluff Love University. The only type of cloth diaper that requires a special detergent is wool. For all other types a commercial detergent from your local grocery store is the best option. Fluff love has an exhaustive index of different detergent rated by effectiveness and with notes about any special conditions. They also curate an index of washing machines and the best settings to use. Home made detergents are not recommended for cloth diapers; they do not have the cleaning power to remove fecal matter, they can leave residues and soap scums behind, and the caustic ingredients can cause skin irritations for newborns (even if they don't bother adults)
  5. There is no prefold that is OS, even "OS" pocket diapers aren't truly one-size. Alva Pocket diapers only start to fit after the baby has chunked up a bit (around 10 lbs) you can technically use them on newborns but they will look hilariously large and will more than likely leak poop out the legs (unfortunately speaking from experience here).
Prefold sizing is highly dependent on your child. My kid is huge and pees a lot, so for us the magic combo was size infant prefolds (12' x 14") for months 0-7, and size baby prefolds (14" x 18") for months 7+. However now that we've weaned off milk I'm finding that the smaller prefolds are sufficient again. I've also have friends who only ever used small prefolds so I guess my recommendation is: buy small prefolds, add larger ones later if necessary

If you want something prefold like that is truly OS, I'd look into flat diapers. Green Mountain diapers sells a luxurious Birdseye Flat Diaper but I've found that receiving blankets make excellent flat diapers.
@plmokn9821 Thank you for all that info!
How can I trust a flat diaper?! Lol! Keep in mind I have never actuAlly touched a cloth diaper except for one of my old ones from when I was a baby that my mom still had. I don't know the textures, thicknesses, etc. So the descriptions are all I have to go off of.
@plmokn9821 Second all this! I love to use receiving blankets as flats snappid on my boy... They are so cute and I like that they are soft on his bum. Also, GMDs muslin flats are UH MAZE ING. So blankets soft and crazy absorbent, more than the birdseye
@synthesis We do a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio with our youngest. Sometimes we do flour sack towels and bamboo or fst and microfibre, or just microfibre, it's literally just however I feel like stuffing them, what stuffing is on top, and then what stuffed one I grab. My oldest needed a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio. You'll know if you need more because it will leak.

Use any insert that fits in any diaper you want.

For detergent we don't have hard water and we use currently kirkland signature brand aka cheap. I've heard people recommend plain tide because it has hard water softeners added and many people have hard water. Don't get anything that has a touch of Downey. And be careful of free and clear detergents, some have optical brighteners which can make diapers less absorbent. But you can use the same detergent and wash all diapers together. Caveat: I've never used charcoal so I don't know about a good care routine for charcoal inserts maybe they do need to be washed in special detergent.

Our care routine is cold wasg, wash with detergent, line dry. It's simple and we've been cloth diapering for years.
  1. Our pocket ratio is somewhere between 1:2 and 1:3. Reason: they all came with 1 or 2 microfiber inserts but I have added bamboo and set aside a lot of the microfiber in favor of flour sack towels (I loathe the way MF feels!). And recently I found some charcoal bamboo on Amazon but I don't completely trust it so those are used pretty sparingly right now.
  2. Yes, yes and no! Most of our diapers are layered with multiple inserts (usually FST & bamboo as mentioned in the novel above)
  3. Yes! You can use inserts fashioned from old tee shirts if that's what you have on hand! There are no rules to keeping certain brands together.
  4. No, once you find a detergent you like it is good for all of your diapers. See Fluff Love University for an in-depth explanation of why homemade detergents aren't generally recommended. I use Kirkland (Costco) brand detergent but the one I see most often is the original Tide in powder form.
  5. I can't answer this one as we're a pocket/AIO family.
Try not to over complicate this for yourself. I have 8 month old twins and only used CD on occasion before 6 months because I was overwhelmed. I spent months reading and researching and building an expensive stash. Then I freaked out when it came time to actually use all of it. Don't be me! Experiment in the beginning and trust that you will make it all work!
@goodfruit nods slowly I seeeeee.....

so i might want to grab some FSTs and/or extra insert material. i love the old t-shirt thing. i actually planned on buying some cheap shirts to use in place of prefolds for emergencies.

I like the idea of the charcoal bamboo inserts and I will probably grab a few of those to try. I hear the microfiber helps wick moisture away better than other inserts. Why don't you like how they feel? Is it a personal/texture thing for you, or are they really terrible feeling?
I have been told by a few people not to over-complicate this because I will get burnt out before I ever get to enjoy my CDs. I figured by just going for it and finally making a purchase that it might help ease my anxiety, and it has. I already feel that the two choices (prefolds & pockets) I've made for cloth diapering will be the ones I stick with. Maybe I will like one over the other.
I will check out the Fluff Love University now. Thank you for answering!
@synthesis Cheap charcoal bamboo are more than likely just a layer of charcoal bamboo on the top and bottom, while the middle is microfiber.

My favorite materials are plain old cotton and hemp. Hemp is super absorbent, but absorbs slowly. I use it at night wrapped in one of the GMD newborn prefolds DS has outgrown. That way the cotton absorbs quickly and the hemp stores it all. Then a wool cover and no leaks, ever. I love wool.

I always recommend checking out www.greenmountaindiapers.com to new CD mommas because the owner, Karen, has written out really detailed product descriptions for everything they carry, as well as her own personal reviews. It is where I learned almost everything about cloth diapering, and it really took the overwhelming part out of it. Because of that, I almost exclusively buy from them haha.
@reathua9 Thanks for he tip on wrapping the hemp in a prefIold. I loke that.

I really liked the GMD site and how informative it was. I liked their prices too. I notice just about every CD mom has something nice to say about the GMD diapers. I might end up getting a few packs.
@synthesis They are great quality, and it just feels like a really good honest company. Karen (the owner) started a Facebook fan group for the company recently and she will respond to your comments and questions. Helped me figure out an ammonia issue I was having!

If you buy prefolds, you should get the organic. They shrink a bit more and are a little thicker, but they are sooo much softer.
@synthesis RE: microfiber inserts - while they absorb quickly, they don't have the highest capacity and also have the tendency for compression leaks (diaper fills up, gets squeezed and leaks). Some people also claim they can start to smell over time (my daughter is only 5 months old so I don't have this problem yet). I use pockets overnight and I lean toward one microfiber, closest to baby, and then 2 hemp inserts or 1 hemp insert and an infant prefold. This has been great for us since about 3 months and we don't need to change her diaper overnight anymore because she doesn't poop until morning. I'm not sure what to recommend for daytime usage.

RE: prefolds - this is personal preference. I think most people end up needing at least 2 sizes over time. I know one person on this subreddit who was able to get away with only infant size prefolds and covers (she trifolded once her baby was too big for the snappi). But when my daughter got too big to snappi the infant prefolds, trifolds ended up leaking poop everywhere. It might work later when she has more solid poops though. I would suggest getting some a infant-small size prefolds and then see how it goes. GMD prefolds are my FAVORITE! They are a good deal and are so soft! I ended up ordering one each of a couple bigger sizes when I did my first order so I can figure out what size I want whenever I think we need to get bigger sizes. There is a limit to how much you can fold down the prefold on the baby though so I think it would be hard to get one size for all time. My daughter was just over 6 lbs and even the infant prefolds were enormous for a little while.

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