9 mo with Covid part 2

@bryanries I feel the love from so many people right now. I have always been a lurker on reddit. And I am like shocked but like in a good way shocked. And I feel a lot more calm now. Since they are both resting I had a little mental reset.
@mcooperiii Omg. I’m so sorry this is happening. I have two toddlers and worry about this all the time.
Definitely try the pedialyte ice pops- sometime cold foods like ice pops can help with vomiting. There’s still medicine and baby stuff where I live so we can ship you stuff if you need.

We’re all here supporting you. Wishes for speedy recoveries for all.
@mcooperiii I’ll check when we run out!

Update: few generics left. I grabbed you one and some infant Tylenol just in case. If you don’t need it I’ll return. DM me if you’d like me to ship it.
@mcooperiii Oh my word, I am so sorry to hear all this!!! Keep going and you will all get through this and be just fine!! You must be exhausted from all the stress. Just breathe and keep going, Honey! Everything will be okay. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@mcooperiii Infant Tylenol and Ibuprofen alternate the 2 to keep fever at bay. Doses are weight based so ask your pediatrician about this. Can give infant Benadryl at night to help with mucous and sleep-ask pediatrician first).

Lukewarm baths for high fever. Zarbees chest rub on chest and feet up to 3 x’s per day to help with breathing or cough. Nose Frida to suck the boogies out, humidifier on during naps and bedtime.

Your LO will sleep longer during naps-DO NOT WAKE THEM! They need the rest. Check their fontanelle (a soft spot on the top of their head to see if sunken in-if sunken in means they’re dehydrated).

Highest priory is to make sure they’re getting enough fluid (breast milk, formula, pedialyte, frozen fruit, soup even!) if less than 4 wet diapers in a 24 hour period-talk to your pediatrician immediately).

Offer high protein foods-protein helps the body heal faster (eggs, yogurt,etc).

I’m sorry your going through this. It’s hard to see babies suffer.
@mcooperiii Any possible way you could get breastmilk from someone who has already had covid recently?? Maybe giving baby the antibodies would help give her a boost?? I AM NOT a doctor or giving you medical advice, just a suggestion
@nj21 Omg I never thought about this. I have no idea. I did ask about immunity boosting like elderberry drops for babies but the pediatrician was like uhhhhhhh I would not.
@mcooperiii I just had covid and I developed symptoms first. I am still breastfeeding and I swearrrr that is what saved my daughter from getting too sick. She had a fever for two days where as I was sick for two and a half weeks!!

Edit: we also had the vaccine in May but I hadn’t gotten a booster yet.
@nj21 Oh! I will check facebook then. The only mom groups I like are the ones on reddit. Yall are less... hostile??? Sounds weird but facebook can be a VERY weird place with judgey moms
@mcooperiii Good luck, sending you so much strength and patience and luck and sleep! We do some shared steamy showers too to help congestion. Hope the humidifier works also. You’ll come through the other side! X