8.5 week old eating less


New member
So my LO who's 8.5 weeks old seems to be eating less. He would generally take 3 oz every feed but now is back to 2 oz and only drank 2 oz once in the night at 3.30 am. He's due for vaccination next week but I'm worried if something is wrong. He's combo fed with formula being fed majorly. Any advice would help.
@penguinpie Your ped will let you know. Im dealing with the same thing sort of. Little one just had his vaccinations today.

He normally takes 3 ounces, but sometimes just has two or one. At night, he has the same issues you say but wakes up at 1 AM and 5AM. Doc told me to not let him sleep too much in the day, more tummy time, and feed more frequently at shorter intervals. So, feed him 2 ounces every two hours rather than 3 every 3.5 hours. Also, try to keep him up towards the evening so that he sleeps longer stretches. Rn, he doesn’t sleep more that 3 hours straight max.
@penguinpie My baby had a stretch around that time where she was eating less. We also worried! But it corrected back to normal. I’d keep an eye on it but it’s probably just him going through some changes.
@penguinpie My son tends to eat less at his night feeds also because he falls asleep. He’s 8.5 weeks as well. I didn’t think anything of it because I figured if he wanted to finish it he would def stay up and eat!
@penguinpie He only takes about 3oz most of the time, randomly he will want more so I’ll make him another 2oz and sometimes he finishes it and other times he doesn’t. But for the most part, 3oz and he was previously eating every 3hrs but now he’s going towards every 2.5hrs.
@penguinpie I would try upsizing the nipple. If that doesn’t work, it may be a growth spurt/leap - sometimes they eat less. Or sick? But if not showing any signs might be the other things I said. Idk babies are weird. Still trying to figure mine out.