6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

@aschreck My little guy will be 6 months in a couple days. We will have a couple nights in a row where he wakes up at 2am & 4am, or just at 2am, or just 4am. Sometimes he will wake up at 11pm and sleep right until 7am. Just how he rolls, naps ok during the day, is always a happy bean.
@aschreck Honestly we are so lucky lol! I'm currently pregnant again and due in July when my now baby is 11mo...hoping to hit the jackpot with the sleep again but I have a feeling it may not go so well. If ones asleep I'm sure the other will be up at all different times.😭
Hope your sleep improves!!
@aschreck I haven’t had any consistent patterns to my 8 month old. More like cycles of good sleep then bad. But she’s learning new things all the time so I just chalk it up to neurological development. Also, i don’t sleep the same every night so why would a baby whose brain is growing all the time.
@aschreck My daughter turns 6 mos in a few days. We started using The Happy Sleeper method and it’s really helped her sleep longer and better. If she wakes up now it’s only once, but she has mostly been sleeping through the night now
@aschreck We’re just over 6 months. For about month 2 up until Jan 1st she was sleeping 7pm-6am. Last week or two she’ll fight sleep and stay up until about 9:30pm and then only sleep until 5:30-6am. Think she might be teething honestly lol
@aschreck He started sleeping 10 hours at 8 weeks and then in the last 2-ish weeks upped it to 12 hours. He is 7 months in a week. He had really bad purple crying and when he woke up at 1 am for a feed it frequently took about 30 minutes to an hour to get him to go back to sleep. That shit was rough.