6.5 weeks pregnant need help


New member
Hi, I really need some advice, or help on how to deal with this. I feel so helpless and feel empty at the moment. had a scan today and I am supposed to be 6.5 week. They didn’t find a heartbeat and they did blood tests and one of the important results has only dropped slightly but the pregnancy hormone hasn’t dropped it’s high. They have booked me in for another scan in 7 days but I wanted to ask if it would still be possible to find a heart beat at this point? I do have endometriosis but I had a scan 2 weeks ago and it looked fine all in the right place and it had grown when we had the scan today and everything was in the right place but just no heartbeat. Before they spoke about a blood test, the lady tried to give me a book for miscarriage, asking me how I’d prefer to pass everything etc and I just couldn’t even talk. It was only when they said they can do blood to check hormones I spoke and said yes I need to have them and now they’ve offered me a scan. They wrote on the paper about a missed miscarriage but it just didn’t feel right to jump straight to that, idk.
@garryowen My first ever scan I thought I was 6 weeks due to my pregnancy apps and last period but told me I was 4.5 and then yeah Im meant to be 7 weeks on Tuesday. Thanks for the reply
@garryowen My midwife made me wait 7 weeks until my first scan because sometimes it’s too early to detect the heartbeat at 6/6.5 weeks. Hopefully at the next scan you can. Id just stay hopeful and believe it’s okay until you know for sure. The first 14 weeks are the scariest, good luck 🫶🏽
@dhess They say that because unless you were tracking ovulation in great detail you might be off by a few days. Waiting until you think you're 7 weeks makes it much more likely that you're actually at least 6 weeks.
@helenraiford1 At my first ultrasound we thought I was 7 weeks according to my last period but I was actually measuring 6w2d and we 100% could see the heartbeat. I believe you should be able to at least see a heartbeat at 6 weeks, I'm afraid. As someone who has experienced loss, I know it's hard and you don't want to accept it because all you ever really hear about are the good stories of pregnancy. But realistically loss is just as much a part of pregnancy as are the good things. If you need to see your HCG numbers or another ultrasound in order to fully believe you have lost your pregnancy, by all means do whatever you feel you need to. I am so sorry if the outcome is not what you want, but I truly wish the best for you.

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