5yo correcting me c o n s t a n t l y


New member
I love this child maybe too much, okay? I’m obsessed.

But she has this habit of correcting me constantly.

She sets me up by asking a question, and then says no and tells me the ‘correct’ answer no matter how wrong her answer is.

Today after about the 10th time I snapped and told her that I’m going to stop answering questions because always getting corrected was getting annoying.

I felt bad, but it is! It drives me up the wall!

Please tell me this is a phase 🤞 or how to stop it altogether.

I’ve never found any of her behavior annoying up to this point, but being told I’m wrong constantly, even by a 5yo, it’s very triggering for me.
@sam1986my A phase. I love this (most of the time) because I just use this to one up my oldest. It’s not really about the info in this phase so I just treat it like a storytelling or debating contest (which it kind of is developmentally. They are practicing asserting themselves, holding conversations, testing their debating chops, trying on the feeling of being right/an authority in the same way they see grownups know everything all day.) and I just use this to stretch all those skills.

I usually go for either something over the top. Like if they say the sky is actually green I tell them no, it used to be green but we had it painted for Queen Elizabeth’s 50th jubilee as royal tradition dictates. When Prince Charles turns 50 they are going to paint it brown. Or I personally know the painting crew and it’s a paint made of crushed blueberries. Etc. etc. Then if they insist I just ask how it would even get to be green, what would that paint be made of, who asked for it be green, why are the clouds white etc. etc. I let her use her imagination and enjoy telling me things.

Or I just say interesting, tell me more about how you knew that. And let them cosplay being an expert while mmmhmmming. I’m hoping modeling curiosity about someone else’s point is also valuable.

Idk, generally it’s never anything that I feel the strong urge to correct her urgently so I just wait and then go over the info a different time like reading a book about the sky and clouds or something.
@sam1986my oh my God 😳 my kid does this. Last week her dad was pissed 🤣🤣 he asked her if she thought we didn’t go to school and this child thought none of us went to school and she is the only one who is in school so definitely she and her teacher knows more than we do. 🤣🤣🤣
@sam1986my 😂 it’s very smart tho 😆 ur a good mom that’s why u get guilt. See if she’ll let you listen sounds like she’s very intelligent. Cuz being told u r incorrect by ur child sucks mine slam doors in my face I completely get it tho. Everyone has a point where they just need a break. Days take forever years go quick. Ur doing great.
@sam1986my My kid does this as well and likewise I found it incredibly tiresome and irritating. My deafult answer is "I don't know, you tell me" or "do you know already?" and when she is actually asking a genuine question that she wants to answer to she'll say something like "I don't know that's why I asked you" and if she just wants to story tell, she'll go on about whatever and I'll be all "oh yeah, so fascinating, mmmhmmmm, cool, wow!"
@sam1986my This is my 5 year old. Drives me insane. Why did you ask if you're not going to listen to me?

I've tried turning the question around on him or just not answering, but he just yells at me to tell him the answer.