5 minute survey for University project [Anonymous]

I asked and was approved by the mods to post this survey request.


I'm building a website (never to be put online) at University where part of the class is to do User Research. I want to ask for 5 minutes of your time to fill out this survey for my research: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...kfm9nEFKHTlEa2W694HoARrQ/viewform?usp=sf_link


I am taking a class at the University where I study a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. This is the second semester and I am taking a course in UI & Web Design.

In this project, we are tasked to build a small website tailored to a target audience. As I am about to become a new parent myself in about 2 months. I thought this is my target audience.
  • The website will not be live.
  • I am not selling anything, asking for clicks to visit a website, etc.
  • The form is 100% anonymous, it does not ask for your email.
  • I will not contact you with the results, post them or otherwise make the public. They are strictly used in my research for this university report.
  • I have no financial, commercial, or monetary incentive.
The survey should not take more than 5 minutes to complete. I am very grateful to anyone who wants to take the survey and share their answers.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards
@thoughtsthoughtsthoughts How would you define "new parent" for question 4? Because before I got pregnant, I'm pretty sure I only knew of Huggies, Pampers, and Gerber as baby brands. By the time my baby was actually born, I could point out an Uppababy stroller from miles away and list the pros and cons of 5 different bottle brands.
@arianbo Thank you that is a good question. For this report specifically the definition is:

"A new parent is someone who has recently become a parent, typically within the past year. This can include biological parents, adoptive parents, and foster parents."

This may or may not be an accurate medical definition, but for the scope of this report the definition is kept somewhat broad.
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who decided to answer the survey, your time and input will be of great help in my research and for the report that I am writing.