5 kids Failed morning routine

@percarus Thank you. I’m doing baths every other day because 3 of the kids are boys. My 8 year old can shower on his own. The 4 year old can shower but i will need to make sure he is cleaning properly. Not saying that i don’t think boys need to bath as much but u think it’s different than it is for a girl . My 16 year old is with her dad in another state. She was very helpful when she was here however we were at odds this part summer so I had to make the decision to let her go with dad to finish school. It’s a lot different cuz i don’t have another hand to do dishes, laundry. My husband does help but he works long hours. I’m not trying to make excuses and i know i can get through this if i put my mind to it.
@proverbs3v5 You can do this. One thing that really helps is doing laundry and dishes every single day. Put laundry in washer in the evening on delay start and switch to dryer in am so you can fold after work. And time yourself. I was shocked that it only takes 10-12 min to fold and put away a full laundry load and it takes me 7 min to put dishes in the dishwasher. If you let it build up it multiplies and takes hours so I avoid it and get even more behind. Empty dishwasher every am while coffee is brewing (takes 3 min) so dirty dishes can go in thru the day it saves so much time. Check out Dana K White podcast/blog/books. Like I said in my other comment I do this all 100% solo bc of my husbands work hours so I feel you. You got this!!!!
@wonderer99 I will definitely start daily laundry so it doesn’t build up and i wait until the last minute and have a mountain of laundry. Do you have a specific order in which you do your daily laundry?
@wonderer99 Thank you so much ! I will try this out. I don’t have a dishwasher but i wish i did. I just got a 200 ct of paper plates from Sam’s club. It’s been more helpful just more trash bags now. At this point I’m picking my poison lol!

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