41 year old...Full time working single mom and full time grad student.... feeling overwhelmed


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Hi everyone,

Looking for words of wisdom, encouragement, life stories, etc. Been feeling overwhelmed recently...I started at 37 years old my education and received my bachelor's in December 2021 and just started graduate school this January and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm a mom to 11 year old twins and I've been feeling guilty for how busy I am... I'm trying to fix my life so I can provide them a better life but I'm not feeling happy about how tired I feel😩😩 I feel like quitting school and just dedicating myself to working and my kids, but then I'll probably feel bad for quitting school lol...Oh my, am I a paradox🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Wondering if any single parents also feel confused, overwhelmed, sad, defeated, and how did you overcome this?
P.S. I should be working on my school work as I write this lol
@triplets101 I'm super tired so I'll keep it short. Lol.

I've been where you are and so has my mother. My mother dropped out of grad school and regrets it. I finished (with her support) and I'm grateful all the time.

I will say that I was so tired after grad school that I skipped graduation and stayed in bed all day. 😂
@katrina2017 Hi,
I feel I'll also be like your mom if I were to drop out... but yes, I don't think I'll make it to my graduation if I keep on like this lol. I'm glad you finished and it must feel awesome once you do!

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