4 year twin boys....

@newlyrestoredgospel777 It really is, the tantrums coming out of nowhere, things that were totally fine before are triggers for instant meltdowns.... I look at my wife and we're like wtf how did we end up here. They were angels last year at this time!!!
@jpf Just wait until they start talking, become super mobile, constantly trying dangerous things.. enjoy this time!

Terrible twos aren't terrible at all.
@rutheydee 4 is so much harder with my singleton than any prior age. I am dreading my 16 month old twins hitting that age. It fucking sucks. They are disasters now, but they are still babies so it’s generally more forgivable to me.
@sam26 I know mine are still 4... but man the amount of dangerous stupid shit they try everyday. I work full time at home so I'm here helping my wife. But yeah these guys are just trying to unalive themselves non stop!
@dreamer6424 Like today my "older one" looked at me with a blank stare and just yelled at the top of his lungs literally out of nowhere becuase i asked him to put his legos back.

The "younger one" wanted a snack before dinner was ready, I said dinner will be ready in 2 minutes, I'll put your snack on your dinner plate and you can eat it then. He was on the floor kicking and screaming...

Like what in the bloody hell.... THIS IS ALL NEW !??!!? The last three days have been completely insane.