4 year twin boys....


New member
Our boys just turned 4 and yeah..... now they insist on.... if it was yes before now it's... we used to be able to....... they push all of our.... i cant even explain.... things that were easy are now.....if its dangerous they are attracted to..... feeding is.....yeah.

@rutheydee People warned us of the terrible twos

2yo was easy

4yo is harder, also theyre harder to carry if theyre being difficult.

and just yesterday we were play wrestling/fighting and ... it actually hurts now when a playful jab lands on me :( so i gotta end those games now.

Feeding is also difficult, the foods they eat narrows.

very entitled feeling they have.

i'm countering by making them do more tasks like dressing themselves in the morning, or no breakfast - okay - tiny breakfast (milk & fruit)
@centerofwealth They're so perfect when they're small. Now they say no to everything, epic meltdowns, they fight with each other. Literally a switch was turned on two months ago after their birthday.

I miss them when they were two :(
@rutheydee The 4yo mark is 🤯 for sure. I can't even begin to imagine how it will be with twins, and I've done this twice already! We will all pull through I'm sure... I think? I hope!
@rutheydee I have a love hate relationship with the age of 4. I love their budding independence, curiosity, and improved listening skills.
I also sometimes hate their budding independence, curiosity, and listening skills. lol.
Every day is different. We had a great weekend where we played board games, had fun at the library, had a pizza party.
Last week was miserable with unforeseen meltdowns and poor sleep. It’s so unpredictable.
@rutheydee Dude our 4 y/o identical boys are insanely challenging right now. I relate completely. They are so willfully defiant to mom and me right now. They’re great at pre-k and for our in home daycare worker, but they’re terrors about half the time. The other half they are so sweet and play with their older sister so nicely, etc. but god it’s a really hard time.