4 days late, tested negative but worried it’s too early for my hCG to be raised


New member
My boyfriend and I do use a condom, but a few times since my last cycle, he’s put it in and fucked me until he’s gotten erect (not fully hard) and then pulled out and put a condom on. He hasn’t noticed any precum when pulling out and hasn’t finished in me.

What are the odds of getting pregnant from precum? And what are the odds I’m pregnant? I’ve had sore nipples the last few days but that’s a symptom of both PMS and pregnancy so I’m worried.
@louise502 The pullout method is 78% effective with typical use over a year. A test is accurate 2 weeks after sex and definitive after 3.

If you don’t want to get pregnant, he needs to be wearing a condom the entire time you have sex.