4 d/o struggling to latch on one side!


New member
Hi all!! I'm a FTM to a 4 day old so completely new to breastfeeding! My plan is to be exclusively breastfed until little one is 4 months or so when I plan to return to work.
Yesterday (so day 3) my right breast was extremely engorged, so I was hand expressing and massaging my boob to work the excess milk down and out to relieve some of the discomfort, it took me a while but eventually got there and managed to let little one to latch after 2/3 very long hours, further helping to reduce the load (the relief was amazing let me tell you). It's now a few hours later and I've noticed that little one is still struggling to latch onto my right breast, and my nipple still looks like it's potentially a little bit stretched still, so i had to hand express to release abit of the milk from my nipple to help him latch. We got a latch and a feed established, I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to prevent this from happening? Is my boob potentially still a little engorged? Is it just that he hates that boob now? I'm determined to make this work for me and my baby and really don't want to turn to bottles yet as l'm loving the bonding experience with my baby, and I don't want to take for granted what so many women are unable/ struggle to do.
Thanks in advance
@fg21 Did you try switching your hold? When I got engorged, I would need to switch to football hold to rotate the suction on my ducts. Also worked great for when I got clogs. You might also try a different support pillow and adjust the angle that way.
@youarewelcomenow03 I didn’t try no! I’m still getting to grips with everything but I find easiest for latching in cross cradle then I swap arms to a cradle hold and lie back. Football hold for me can be quite difficult as I have quite small boobs so we’re still trying to master that one in a way that is comfortable for me and baby but I will keep it in mind for when he is due his next feed on my right boob ☺️
@youarewelcomenow03 I’m sure we will! It can just get quite stressful when he’s crying and unable to latch! We’re obviously still working on getting that perfect latch and we’ve mastered it on the left it’s just the right now! But with being so engorged it’s been a little sore but I can’t see anything wrong with the latch. There’s just so much to take in with breastfeeding it’s crazy
@fg21 When I’m engorged I use a breast shield. Helps draw the nipple out by creating a suction like situation for the baby to bring it into their mouth.