4-5 weeks pregnant and bleeding


New member
Long post & TW ectopic pregnancy

I’m looking to gather people’s experiences (good or bad) to easy my mind until next week.
3 years ago I had an ectopic pregnancy, related or not idk.

I recent found out I’m pregnant estimates 4-5 weeks (unsure ovulation date) went in yesterday for vaginal scan & blood work given my history of ectopic. Of course nothing was seen on the scan, and not alarmed. They took my blood and I go again tomorrow for blood to compare quantities.
A day before my appointment I lost all the pregnancy signs I was having. I.e sore boobs cramps etc. I felt “normal”.

I woke up today and felt find about 2 hours after being up I got period like cramps and shortly after felt a “gush” went to check and it was bright red blood. Put on a pad and went about my day checking every hour or so. No more gushing but for about 4-5 hours consistent steady low/med flow bright red. After that it turned to dark dark brown only seen when wiping. And now 8 hours past the “gush” it is rust colored coffee ground like when I use the bathroom.

I did call my dr and told her all of this (except the coffee ground detail bc they are out of the office now) she didn’t seem concerned and told me what to do if certain things happened & that we would check my levels again tomorrow.

I have not tried to re test. But my boobs are sore again & i am slightly cramping - all the symptoms have come back?

I have a good vibe. Not the feeling of impeding doom (which I struggled with my whole ectopic before finding out it was ectopic), but wondering if anyone has gone through this before? Advice? Positive / not so positive shares welcome
@jrlthinks My sister had an ectopic pregnancy followed by a normal one; I’m not sure if they’re related.

The bright red blood makes me think of a SCH (sub chorionic hemorrhage). I had one at like 7 weeks? From what my doc said, it’s unrelated to the baby, and more related to uterine stress.

Hopefully something similar is happening for you, and it resolves. Mine resolved quickly, though I’ve had friends with SCH last like 5 weeks. Still had a successful pregnancy, just a lot of bed rest.

Good luck friend!
@jrlthinks It’s so hard to say so early on. I went through a similar bleed pattern early in week 5 and thought it was a loss. My serial bloodwork looked good, but the ultrasound showed an “implant bleed” (not the same as implantation bleeding… apparently it is like a hematoma that forms inside the uterus at the site of embryo implantation. I had never heard of it before that imaging appointment and have had a hard time finding more info online.) It ended up stopping on its own and I’m now 11w1d. No other issues since, but it was hugely anxiety provoking.

Also with the boobs, mine went from huge and sore to totally flat and normal so many times, and it freaked me out every single time. After about 5-6 episodes I realized my boobs are a lousy barometer for the health of my pregnancy.

Wishing you the very best for a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy. ❤️
@peacemaker2018 Thank you soo much. I know I am on the edge of my seat simply because of my history. And my episode has seemed to stop now by night. Which eases my mind. I hope everything for you goes beautifully ❤️
@jrlthinks It could be bad but it could also be an SCH. Some studies show progesterone supplement and bed rest can maybe help to heal it. Worth another call to your dr as I think it’d be diagnosable on an internal ultrasound.
Update*** my first test came back hcg level 487. Which I think puts us at weeks 4 approx. just hoping that hat at todays visit my levels have double.

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