37 weeks pregnant high BP

First time mom here.
To make things short. I have not had a good experience with my pregnancy.
As for how I feel and symptoms I’ve been great. Until now. . It’s the hospital and doctors who have made it not so great really.
To make a long story short. They’ve forgotten to send in my urine. Had to at 20 weeks… they lost my 3 hr glucose test. Not scheduled me for a make up anatomy scan because they couldn’t get everything they needed the first time.
It’s been mostly my job to get stuff done that’s needed since they haven’t bothered to.
Had to track my own blood sugar. Seemed borderline after two weeks. Doctor didn’t say it was bad and that was done. Weeks later the other midwife says I should still be tracking. WEEKS LATER
Though baby is measuring under 6lbs at 37 weeks.

The biggest issue is my blood pressure.
It’s seems to have been high the last couple times going into my appts.
Went to hospital. All tests came back fine. And my BP went down after hours there.
Go in for a follow up after the hospital and are already talking about inducing me at 37 weeks.
That isn’t ideal or what my partner and I want.
My SYS ranges from 128-138 every time. My DIA ranges from 92-100 about every time. And that’s concerning for them. As it is me.
I monitored my own BP at home for two days and it wasn’t to far up there in my range. I hadn’t really relaxed to much. Just did my normal stuff.
But when I went back to work and checked it every couple hours it was in the higher of my normal range. Making me concerned even more. Work does suck and I hate my job. So I could see why
I hear bed rest doesn’t really help with preeclampsia if that’s what it is. But I feel I should take some days off work and monitor myself and go from there. Which I plan to o.

I really don’t wanna induce that early. Unless absolutely needed. I’m a scared new mom and want him to bake more. So If I can safety keep him in for a couple more weeks I’d feel better.
But I need advice. Thoughts. Something.

I apologize if my story seems all over. This is my first post.

I’ve also had a headache sometimes. But it never stays. Kinda just comes and goes.
Swollen ankles here and there but that could be salt?
I’m just not sure. And it seems my doctors aren
@theprinceofthisworld I’m so sorry! It is scary. My first was induced (then c section) at 36 weeks for my high BP. All said and done, it turned out okay. Our son is 3 and ahead of normal development milestones (based on birth age not gestational), and in 90th percentile for height and weight.

It’s not okay that you are having to do the job of the medical staff. It isn’t your job to have to do leg work for them and it probably doesn’t make you very confident in their ability to care for you.

Just know that ultra sound measurements can be way off, and my second was 6lb 12oz when born at 38/39 weeks and completely healthy. Could just be a tiny baby. Try not to stress too much though I know it’s hard!
@theprinceofthisworld So my BP was starting to get into 150/95 consistently, but it was the scan that showed blood flow to the placenta wasn’t ideal (likely from the high BP kind of wearing it down over time) and baby’s head was significantly further ahead in size than his body meaning his body wasn’t getting what it needed so it was prioritizing the brain :(. I had no other symptoms of preeclampsia so technically I did not have it.

At the moment I’m pregnant with my third (30 weeks) and my BP has been 150/90 for the last couple weeks despite everything. Next steps for me are a scan to see what the baby is measuring and what blood flow is doing and how the placenta is and to add another med to see if we can get it down.

My dr says I get some grace on my BP bc I have chronic hypertension even when not pregnant, meaning my body is used to it being higher so my placenta should be more tolerant of it as well. At this point I will be elated if I make it as far as you have!
@mitsuha Oh my!! Here I am worried about 37 weeks and you still got some time to go!!
I really hope your doctors can help. Or at least make everything to come easier!
I hope you can make it longer and I hope nothing but the best with what you’re going through!
@theprinceofthisworld Thank you! You’re going to do great and you’ll be snuggling that sweet baby soon.

I’m blessed with an amazing OB who is not an alarmist and has delivered many many babies. He memorized my birth plan with my second and the night before the c section was at the hospital getting the entire OR team on board. It was amazing. Praying for another birth like that.
@theprinceofthisworld You can say no to anything that doesn’t put you or baby in immediate danger obviously. They can’t force an induction if you don’t want it. I’d say you’re on the right track of monitoring all your stuff on your own and keeping an eye on all your concerns. I’d say trust your gut momma no one knows you or baby better than YOU!
@theprinceofthisworld Had my littles at 37w2d (12yo), 36w4d (11yo), and the last at 37w3d (2yo).
All are healthy, smart, happy kids in normal growth %s (except for #3 - he's 97%height 😬, and middle of the board weight & head).

37 weeks, you're usually gonna be A-Okay! :)
@theprinceofthisworld get checked out for preeclampsia, i had it with my daughter had to be induced at 39 weeks though it probably should have been sooner, my bp was quite higher than yours but i don’t want you to risk yours getting that high because i was a high stroke risk and even after birth i had to take bp medication because the preeclampsia didn’t go away as it should have
@effrem They did the tests and came back fine. So they are saying I’m borderline of having it? I don’t think they actually know what’s going on.
I had asked them if there’s anything I can do to keep it down and they said no. I feel so in the dark about it all. They make it seem like it’s a huge issue for me and wanna induce. But then again on the same end they don’t seem to think it’s that bad? It’s just frustrating trusting what they feel when they haven’t been the greatest this entire time