I have submitted a couple of these since my boy was born and I hope they were helpful. Here is what I wasn't told about with months 3-6.
- Teething sucks. Just when you got your sleep routine down and your little one sleeps through a couple of nights here and there BOOM teething. He's back to waking up 1-3 times a night fussy, in pain and just not happy. Tyenol, frozen chew toys, Orajel all help. That look that says "help me" will break your heart.
- You thought the visitors and request for you to visit would slow down. Hahaha no.
- Holidays were fun. But much more stressful than I expected.
- College Football season came and went. I expected to watch about 50% of games that I used to watch. It was more like 5%. I got to watch my teams games and that was it. I fell asleep during halftime of last nights NC game.
- One of our best decisions as a couple was to eat dinner after we put him down for the night. We got to relax with each other and enjoy it much more.
- Babies's appetites are fickle. Our guy at 4 months started and loved baby food. The past month he clenches shut and gags anytime we get any food past the lips.
- Create a shared photo album ASAP and invite everyone who asks for photo updates. BAM upload what you want and you are set.
- Cleaning poop gets easier. Blowouts don't phase me anymore.
- Children are expensive. But not as much as I expected.
- That 2 hours you have when you get home from work and when he goes down fly by. But I enjoy every second of it more than I could have ever imagined.