2nd baby No postpartum weight loss 6 months


New member
30 years old 5’3” athletic build

Had my second baby exactly 6 months ago

Pre pregnancy weight 121
Gained 35 pounds
Lost 10 during birth !
Current 139

Have not lost 1 pound post partum this time
Stopped breast feeding at 2 months (shitty supply)
Also had mirena IUD in at 6 weeks post partum couldn’t chance getting pregnant again

4 months post partum I still wasn’t seeing results
Blamed it on the IUD since the weight came off on its own first pregnancy (same pre pregnancy weight and breast fed 2 months)

Had my fiancee take out the iud at 5 months postpartum because doctors were giving me pushback ( I had never been on birth control before this time in my life )

6 months postpartum

No weight loss, I’ve ate super healthy my whole life can’t loose one pound I work 50 hours a week running around all day plus have a 4 year old and a baby I am not lazy never even get a second to sit down

At this point I feel as though I am developing post partum rage because of no weight loss and I am afraid this will lead me right into an eating disorder.
Did not have postpartum depression etc… I just know that the self hate is real and getting worse with time.

Everything I read says thyroid ive had that checked and then hormonal imbalances NOTHING MENTIONS HORMONES 2ND TIMES POSTPARTUM TRUM. Wondering if they take longer to even out just can’t understand why the scale hasn’t budged 1 pound ? Any experience or advice is appreciated

Honestly I have the best support system, my finance loves me more then ever I’ve donated all of my clothes and at this point just want to give up, avoid looking at my self in the mirror at all costs.

I honestly don’t want to hear that it takes time anymore or you “look great” to me it’s insulting carrying around 20 extra pounds my knees are killing me and I look absolutely horrible
@3revan I’m sorry…your fiancé took out your IUD??? Is that even okay?

I don’t know what to say other than I didn’t lose any weight at all postpartum either so sometimes it just doesn’t happen
@3revan I’m 2yrs pp with my second and I lost weight 1.5yrs with out doing anything then gained it without changing my life. It’s infuriating I just turned 29 so I wonder if it’s my metabolism
@3revan It is stress. Your body is overworked. Working 50 hours. Caring for 2 kids, and yes even if you have a good support system. Maybe you need a second to sit down.
Do you have time to drink enough water? Do you sleep enough?
@cathy1532 I second this. The dietitian I worked with said that lack of sleep and stress both increase cortisol leaves. Cortisol makes you return weight so for some people it can be impossible to lose weight until you’re sleeping better and your stress levels go down.
@3revan Are you breastfeeding or pumping? It took a full year for my hormones to recover from nursing so my weight could start being something I could control with diet and exercise again.
Never have been a person that sleeps a lot I don’t feel exhausted I am a very high energy very active very high strung person, I prioritized sleep during my leave (4 months )

I don’t see how talking to a dietician about my diet will help with stress I’ve been an athlete my whole life I know how much fat and calories and protein carbs are in everything I eat. I’m eating at least 50+ grams of protein everyday

I drink tons of water and eat healthier than anyone I know.

Am: athletic greens
Body rx complete protein shake (not a bulking shake)

Lunch :
Grilled chicken


Steak salmon or grilled chicken
Jasmine rice or side salad

On occasion I eat some pasta
@3revan I have read you should try for 1 gram of protein per 1lb of ideal body weight. So you may need to eat more, closer to 130 grams.
@3revan Look into insulin resistance and pregnancy/post pregnancy. Low Carb High Fat was the only method that helped me lose weight. Once hormones level out insulin resistance may be less of an issue. 50g of protein doesn’t seem like enough- but idk your macros.
@3revan Are you strength training? My dr told me my cardio wasn’t going to cut it post partum and I’ll have more luck doing primarily weight training as it boosts the metabolism for longer.

Im one year post partum and gained 50 pounds during pregnancy. I’m 17 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight which was honestly the heaviest I’ve been. Dr said this isn’t uncommon to struggle with weight loss this far out.

I have a friend who’s 2 years post partum and she’s just now dropping the weight
@meli034 Sorry I just replied I think it went as another comment just started loosing weight now my son just turned a year a couple of weeks ago I’ve lost about 5 pounds recently. Seems like I’m loosing a pound a month now haven’t changed my diet still going 24/7 with two kids. Noticed I’ve having way more bowl movements so maybe my metabolism is finally starting to perk up again. Did not mentally prepare myself to have a longer recovery the second time I honestly thought since my body had been through it before and I had such easy deliveries etc they I would “bounce back” again.
1 year post partum now and lost a few pounds recently haven’t changed my diet or anything 2nd time certainly has taken way longer to recover i wish i had mentally prepared myself for it more.
@3revan Follow me on insta (or TikTok)! I am a postpartum dietitian and I specifically talk about hormones and metabolism for PP weight loss. I don’t see many people talking about it and they both have a huge impact on PP weight loss. I post a lot of good free content on these 2 things + how to lose weight while breastfeeding. I wasn’t able to lose my weight after my 2nd pregnancy until I corrected hormones and metabolism. I’ve since lost 50#.

