2 noriday tablets per day safe?


New member
Hi all,

I’ve been taking Noriday 350 micrograms for around 8 years (I’m 24) due to insanely heavy and debilitating periods. Noriday stopped my periods for a while which was great, but for some reason it’s stopped working?

This did also happen a few years ago, and I was told by a doctor to take 2 pills per day instead of one. Thinking of doing this again as the bleeding is really, really bad.

Is this safe to do for a long amount of time? Anyone else done this for extended periods of time?

I would normally ask a doctor but I’ve just moved house and can’t get registered with a GP for another month due to horrible waiting lists 😬

Added context: I’m trans and take a low dose of testosterone (so can’t take COC but mini pills are fine).

Any advice / shared experiences would be v much appreciated. Thank you!
@deon1962 this is very safe. norethindrone can actually be taken in doses up to 15mg per day. and also how long have you been on testosterone? I'm trans too and by my understanding it can mess up your hormones a little bit before everything settles down
@katrina2017 That is super good to know 🙏

I’ve been on T since Jan 2022! But am on gel and it’s been really hard to get my dosage right - it always seems to be too high or too low, and it’s way too low right now so I think that probably has something to do with the bleeding at the moment…