One side or both sides per feeding?

@keke1223 My baby likes lots of smaller feedings so I nurse from one boob for at least 10 minutes then when she finishes I’ll switch her to the other side for the next feeding. Or if she keeps coming off and seems upset I’ll take her off, squeeze gently, and if milk easily flows I’ll burp her then leave her on that side. My first had failure to thrive and never got all the way through to the good milk when I did the “feed both sides every time” method so this time I’m more focused on making sure she empties one side before we switch, even if that means doing one side multiple short feeds in a row.
@keke1223 Depends my first was tiny and we had a hard time latching at first I did both breasts every feed.

My second latched right away and is a big boy. He feeds depending on the mood sometimes one breast at a time some times both.

If you do one at a time you can pump or hand express the breast not nursed from but if you choose not to then your breasts will regular to the one at a time feeding method. Good luck!