1st Ultrasound Today!


New member
I’m 10 weeks FTM at 39 and had my first ultrasound today. I was so worried I wouldn’t see a heartbeat, but it was there right away and the baby was very active. It wouldn’t sit still for the tech to take a good pic but I am already in love. Now that it’s totally real to me I am concerned about the future testing. I’m having the NIPT test tomorrow morning and a NT ultrasound in 2 weeks. I’m just worried the tests will find something wrong with the baby, like possible downs or something. Anyone else in early pregnancy with these fears too?
@rlheart Congrats! I’m 14 weeks and 3 days and also a FTM at 38! I was super nervous for my NIPT at 12 weeks so I get it. I had to tell myself I can’t control it. Just to hope for a healthy baby. I’m thankful that the test results were all low risk and I’m having a girl! Take it one day at a time. Sending you all the best luck with your results!
@prodigal_son1111 Thank you! So happy your test came back low risk and congrats on your growing baby girl! 💓I have been telling myself too what will happen will happen and just hope for all the best. Trying to keep a positive outlook. 🥰
@rlheart I am 11 weeks tomorrow, also 39 and a FTM! I understand how you're feeling, I have the same worries, so don't feel alone or like the worry is indicative of anything. A close girlfriend said I she didn't think I would be so worried since I've never had any loses, it made me feel alone and silly - which of course it shouldn't have. I go for my NT ultrasound next week and NIPT as soon as I can get to the lab to give blood, so it's hanging over me too. I am just trying to enjoy the moments of happiness that this journey brings us and try not let my worry overshadow too much. As expected, working out is helping me stay calm - hope you're feeling well enough to maintain your activities, hang in there!
@aviel Wow! Nice to meet you and to meet a fellow mum-to-be in the same boat! So glad I’m not alone! 💕regardless of my fears, I am riding the wave of pure happiness I got today seeing my little squirmy baby. I can’t wait to find out the gender in a week after submitting my blood for the NIPT. Tired of calling it “It.” Lol!!!! Thank you for the kind words and I hope your upcoming tests go well and everything returns with great news. 🤗💕
@rlheart I'm 9 weeks, 39yo and ftm :) I think what keeps me from being too anxious is I'm barely surviving with fatigue, food aversions and evening sickness 🤣. I am more focused on keeping down the guilt of no longer exercising or eating well. Hoping time will pass quickly and good results all around for all of us 🥰
@jonrgrover Yes!!! I know exactly what you mean! I’m having all the same fun pregnancy symptoms. It’s funny, my nausea hits me in the evening too. No vomiting thankfully, but I try to eat what I can during the day and then have saltines for dinner. Can’t wait for this part to pass!! 😅
@rlheart I just want you to know that even though the chances for something to be genetically wrong double/triple, the odds are still less than 1% for most things. I learned that this ost summer when I was inquiring about my fertility and the risks with my age.
@oldcarnutfred You’re absolutely right. When it really comes down to it there’s really like a 0.5% chance of anything being wrong. I’m just gonna keep hoping for the best and a smooth delivery of a healthy baby. 💕
@rlheart I’m 39, FTM at 9 weeks and just had my genetic counseling phone appointment today so my anxiety kicked into high gear having the actual numbers next to the risks. I look at the photo of my last ultrasound to make me feel better :) I’m nervous for the NIPT but trying to just focus on taking care of myself. I figure that’s going to be the best way to do what I can to help keep this little bean healthy. Thinking good thoughts for you!!
@cw1 Thank you! 🙏 Good luck to you too for your NIPT test as well, hun. I feel like the statistics can be scary and a bit misleading. I’m doing the same as you though. I just keep looking at the pictures of my little wiggle worm from today and feeling that rush of happiness. 💕💕💕
@rlheart FTM pregnant at 39 and 40 now. I have high anxiety and was super worried about the NIPT. Our healthy boy is scheduled for induction next week. I must have checked the NIPT portal ten times a day before the results came in (all low risk). Breathe deep. You’ve got this!
@jesmo That’s amazing! Congrats on your little guy arriving next week! How exciting! I hope everything goes well and you have a smooth delivery!! 💕💕💕
@rlheart I think we all have those fears every pregnancy at least I did. My last bundle of joy is almost 1 now but I had her at 43. Super anxious the entire time the doctors scared me to death with the way they talked about my age. I had an easy labor and delivery don't stress yourself too much over the tests.
@rlheart 38 and ftm! (I’ll be 39 when they’re born). I have the same fears! I just had my NIPT blood test drawn last Monday, so now I’m just playing the waiting game. Like someone else said, everything is out of our hands, so I’m just staying positive (and impatient 😂) until I have reasons not to be! As my husband says about worrying, “There’s no reason to suffer twice.” No need to worry and then worry again with the results when everything will probably be fine!

They said results in 1-2 weeks, but I hope it doesn’t take that long. 😅 Then I have to wait another 4 weeks for my NT blood test. So much waiting!!
@rlheart I'm loving this thread!!!
Congratulations to you.... I love seeing positive stories.

Almost 40yo FTM here!

I just tested positive yesterday and I'm on week 5. We had been trying for a while, did 2 IVF Egg Retrieval cycles and only got one good embryo. We didn't transfer it yet and just out I'm pregnant.
Have been extremely concerned with the miscarriage risk at my age. Can't wait for the first scan so i can hopefully celebrate and enjoy this. Until then, I'm guarding myself!

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