16 y/o weekend curfew


New member
Just wondering what time you all set. My son is insisting he ‘isn’t 12 anymore’ and wants to stay out past 1am. I’m not comfortable with this at all.
@rafalle777 What I have learned is that when I was 16, my parents shouldn’t have let me stay out that late. I was a stoner and would party with the wrong crowd sometimes.

I’d go with 11pm. No later.
@arhodie I was drinking at that age but not causing any other problems for anyone else. My son isn’t even doing that. I think statistics show, in my country, kids are distinctly less interested than we were in those activities. Most of them would rather be at the gym or gaming or just on social media.
@tozirereers1974 Uk, Earth, the Milky Way section of I’m sure the same Universe but I get your point. In your neighbourhood it’s unthinkable. My son and his friends are very sensible people who have never put a foot wrong and we live in an incredibly safe environment. It’s extremely difficult when they’ve worked hard to earn trust and freedom.
@rafalle777 I used the city curfew for our kids if they were out at a “special event” like prom, a party etc. (it’s midnight here per the city)

Any other time it was depending on what they were doing and who they were with, but never later than what the city curfew was. If we had early morning plans the next day home by 10pm!
@neonlili That seems very reasonable. It’s going to be hard for me to reset the curfew clock when he’s keeping his nose clean. I think I’m stuck with 1am until he drops the ball.
@rafalle777 You’re actually not stuck there, because you’re the parent + he is, well, not an adult who still lives in your home.

You don’t like 1 am? Then make the curfew 12 am. That is, in my book, ridiculously reasonable for a 16 year old.

Glad he’s a great kid, but you still set the rules.