16 months post partum- no progress


New member
I’m 16 months P.P in March and I’m still exclusively breastfeeding. My LO doesn’t drink cows milk at all yet.

Anyways I felt like I gained a significant amount of weight, about 15 lbs after giving birth.

I’ve been working with a nutritionist and trainer for about 5 months being super consistent with my diet and working out about 5 times a week, doing light activity every day making sure I hit 10,000+ steps.

My sleep is shit - I probably get a full night of sleep (6-7hrs) 2-3 nights a week. My anxiety around returning to work is probably at a 7 or 8 / 10 so I mean not everything is ideal but I would have thought after 5 months I should have seen SOMETHING for progress. I haven’t lost weight on the scale and I haven’t lost inches either.

Super frustrated, not sure what to change to start seeing results. I lost a good 60 lbs in my mid 20s so I have an idea of how to approach my weight loss. I’m now in my mid30s and I feel like my body is just so different.

I fired the trainer and nutritionist and am just relaxing for the last month. I need a break from logging and tracking everything that I do.

I feel like I could have seen so much progress in the last 5 months and just feel like they’ve been wasted. Don’t know where to start now.
@pourpreh My body ballooned when breastfeeding with both my kids. The only thing that allowed me to get weight off was weaning. It surprised me with my first, but I accepted it when I nursed my second. I was forced to wean after 4 months due to his milk protein allergy, and the weight started to come off with some pretty simple changes.

I know it’s a bummer, and I also know how hard it is, but the unfortunate reality is that you have a choice. You can choose to wean and get your body back, or you can continue to breastfeed knowing that eventually the journey will end and you can work on your goals at that time. No shame in either choice! It’s about what works for you and your LO.

FWIW, I also lost about 60 lbs in my 20s and kept it off for years until I got pregnant. I’m done with babies now, and I’ve lost 45 pounds, 20 from my goal. You will get there. This season is hard. Hang in there.
@mrroy This was my experience with my first baby as well. I was diligently tracking calories, made tons of adjustments, worked out, and just never made progress until I weaned. The biggest lie I was told while pregnant was that breastfeeding would burn a ton of calories and that I would end up losing all the baby weight and then some. This was not the case for me, and I’ve seen a lot of women talk about the same issue.

It sucks that you’re dealing with this, and I know how frustrating it is to feel like you’re just spinning in circles. You should be so proud of yourself for being active everyday and eating a healthy balanced diet! I hope maybe someone else has more insight on this issue and can give you some good recommendations. You’re doing a great job!
@fewin Thank you both. It helps knowing that I’m not the only one. 4 acquaintances of mine had babies in the few months after I had mine and they all looked back to normal or better in 3 months or less pp. I know comparing isn’t helpful or realistic but it’s hard not to compare sometimes. I’ll hang in there until I choose to wean LO.
@pourpreh Chiming in to agree, I also couldn't lose weight until about 3 months after I weaned. I did all the things and my weight wouldn't budge, it's very common. It's been about 6 months now and I've lost almost 20lbs so hang in there!
@yourking I feel like no one talks about it!! There’s that myth out there that breastfeeding helps the weight melt off and I feel like in my family personally very few of the women breastfed so I don’t know where they even get this advice from. I know everyone is different and obviously everyone needs to do what’s best for them and their family but it’s super discouraging.
@pourpreh The comparison game is super hard and aggravating. Something that helped me a bit was to take progress pictures because even though I wasn’t losing weight until weaning, there was definitely some recomp that happened over time and it was nice to see that there were some changes happening, just more subtle than I hoped for. Hang in there!
@pourpreh You’re doing great. Be kind to yourself. Breastfeeding isn’t forever although it can feel like it! Even for the women who have lost weight easily, I’m sure they have other struggles that we can’t see. Taking a bit of time to relax sounds like a good plan.
@timeisnotmuch Honestly it does feel like forever. It’s such a love/hate experience. I look forward to the day that I’m ready to wean but I dread it at the same time. Just trying to focus on enjoying the little moments instead of being frustrated with myself and my body.
@pourpreh I gain weight if I don’t get enough protein, regardless of how many calories I actually consume, seemingly. Was doing well, then stopped eating a protein-focused breakfast and gained back five pounds over like three weeks… A nutritionist told me it’s because protein keeps your hormone levels stable, and women going through hormonal changes need tons more of it.
@lori777 I was focusing on trying to get about 110g of protein in a day with the nutritionist I worked with. I’m about 250lbs. I’ll try to keep that up I have slacked off on my protein this last month. Thanks for the info I didn’t know it helped with hormone levels!
@pourpreh I literally came here to say the exact same thing! I’m feeling so so dejected. I lost like 55 pounds
in my 20s- then had baby number 1, 8 years ago and honestly gained most of my weight after birth. I was so stressed and so overwhelmed that I just ate out all the time. Now I’m 9 months PP and am at 206 and feel AWFUL. I so badly just want to get back to feeling good about my body. I am breast feeding and feel like the weight just won’t budge. Meanwhile I see other ppl saying “ the weight just falls off when breast feeding”. I hate my body. I’ll add that at the same time I’m on the mindset of accept your body the way it is, focus on the good things your body does, etc etc. But I just always resort back to feeling like crap.
@melomom You’re honestly not alone at all. I feel like shit but am focusing on the good things my body has done for me. I mean, I feel betrayed by it holding onto the weight and me feeling uncomfortable and disgusting but at the same time we grew and birthed little humans and are breastfeeding them. Not everyone can say their bodies can do that so don’t take that for granted! At the same time I am still mad at it. Lol
I’m at 248. I was about 218 at the end of my pregnancy so Defo gained after I gave birth.
I feel like there’s something I’m missing or not doing right. I rarely eat out. I’m at 16 months pp and can count on one hand the times I’ve had fast food postpartum so don’t beat yourself up for that / it clearly doesn’t make a difference in this situation.
Praying to GOD that when I stop breastfeeding it starts coming off with ease. I don’t know what else to do.
@pourpreh Yes I’m really trying to focus on the good but also feel so dejected and down about it. I loved my body pre babies. Ugh. I really hope I’m able to get to a weight where I feel confident and good about myself. I feel better hearing and seeing others are in the same boat bc all I see is ppl post babies with amazing looking bodies.