15 m/o headbutting/ hitting


New member
My 15 m/o will slap his head repeatedly sometimes. He's also taken to knocking his head against various surfaces (headboard of our bed, his crib, the couch). His pediatrician said it's just something they do at this age. His PT said it might be sensory seeking. Got any ideas? - a mom with a split lip and thin patience
@daveg Our son did that for a bit around that age. When he’d get frustrated (e.g. his block tower fell over) he’d get on all fours and bang his head on the ground. Thankfully he slowly started decreasing and he doesn’t do it at all anymore (he’ll be 3 next month). Once he started to communicate verbally more the behavior started to go away.

Extremely frustrating though. He split my lip once and also banged his head into my ear. Ouch.
@daveg My LO does this too it sucks. We practice sign language you are at a good age to start and it’ll help with communicating it must be so frustrating not being able to talk.