11.5 lb baby Birth Story

@wings777 Congrats, an absolute wonderful feat! This definitely helps easy my mind. The men on both sides of my family are over 6’5” and were chunky butter balls at birth, and my husband was also a large baby so I’m worried the one I’m growing will be the same if it’s a boy lol the human body is a masterpiece and we are so strong for giving life!
@wings777 Loved your positive story, thank you for sharing! If you are open to answering, may I ask how tall you are? I am 5'4 and my first was 8lb and 21in and he sure was crammed in there, it's hard for me to imagine the possibility that my next one could potentially be bigger
@wings777 Thank you for sharing. I'm only in my second trimester but I just sometimes worry that my baby is going to be really big. Big big babies run on both sides of our family.
@wings777 Congrats!!! When I found out my baby was in the 98th percentile I freaked out and went down every rabbit hole online and with every one of my doctors. Some seemed to encourage c section more than others but I went vaginal with a contingency plan for c section in my head. I was induced at 39w + 5. I did a partial epidural as well. My baby was 10lbs 2oz (accurate growth scan estimate!) and delivered vaginally. Pushed for 2 hours. Only first degree tear. Overall super positive experience.

ETA: this is my first baby
@wings777 Thank you so much for posting this. I was crying just about an hour ago because I’m 37 weeks and they estimated the baby was over at pounds at my 36 week ultrasound. I have been so scared about tearing and shoulder dystocia and just feeling like a bad mom for eating too many cookies. I needed to see this post tonight!!
@wings777 Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this information! I’m due to give birth any day now with my first. I have no idea how big my baby boy will be but I also do my daily affirmations of “I trust my body to know how to labor & birth my baby”. Women’s bodies are INCREDIBLE. We are a fierce force !
@petroula Trusting your body is huge - if you wait for it, your body will start pushing on its own and that is when you will know it is time. It is an incredible thing to experience!
@petrielo Both my VBACs were 36 weekers (PPROM) both were 6 lb 8 oz and I had second degree tearing with my son (epidural) and 3rd degree with my daughter (pitocin and zero pain meds or epidural). I know people say natural helps not tear because you can feel what's happening but NOT the case for me 🤣 split myself in half trying to get her out of me.
@petrielo Right? No way I would have gone to 40 weeks even if my cervix wasn't incompetent haha. They were already full sized. My first was full term (he's 13) and was only 7 lbs at 40 weeks yet my two toddlers were 6.8 at 36 lol. Crazy how different babies can be