10 Free Holiday Cards & Invitations, Including Fee Shipping 11/8 @ Cardstore

@katrina2017 I have just tried this with a few cards, but it seems to be working:

You CAN order 10 different cards with 10 different recipients. Plus you can set the shipping date to whenever. The only limit I have seen is that it has to be a holiday card.
@katrina2017 Just did this - lots of choices for cards, and they let me pick whether I wanted them to come to my place so I could send them out myself, or if I wanted them mailed directly (in which case the company paid postage). Yay saving money!
@katrina2017 For anyone wondering its any holiday card, Ten different or the same or what ever as long as its holiday!


I will be spending money with them from here on out. no more store cards ever again.

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