1 crib vs 2

@theophilac20 We found out by about month 3 that two babies won't fit in one crib and they'll need to be separated. Also they're very touchy and didn't want someone to scratch the other's eye...
@theophilac20 Originally my daughters shared a twin bassinet but were constantly waking each other up with their wiggles so they were quick to be moved into their two separate cribs. Safe Sleep here* says they each need their own crib and we knew we'd need two eventually anyway so it was just an easier transition. Also made it so easy when we moved them to their own rooms, they were already used to their cribs. We do have minicribs, because two full would probably not fit in their room.

*I know not everywhere
@theophilac20 Halo twin bassinet, then their own pack and plays (due to space and traveling). They are 1 and for about a month they shared a pack and play because it's the only way they would sleep, now back in their own spaces. In a year we will give them a floor toddler bed together. My other twins are 3 and have their own beds, but insist on sleeping together.