1 crib vs 2

@theophilac20 2 cribs for safety. We did 2 convertible cribs and used them in mini cribs for the first few months. They were on wheels too so it was so useful to cart them around from room to room.

We used the Nestig Wave btw. Highly recommend. Great aesthetics too.
@theophilac20 Sharing a crib is not recommended in the US and in most other countries only considered safe until they start being able to move (which isn’t much time…..around 3-4 months and they can usually move enough to make this dangerous).
@theophilac20 We got 2 cribs because eventually they'll need them. But for the first weeks we'll put them in the same crib. You can check the website of the NHS where safe co-bedding options are suggested.
@theophilac20 We had two bassinets in our room (but they shared one for the first couple months/6 weeks?? It’s a blur). We had one crib in our room for nighttime until they were about 9m, but they had their own separate cribs in their own bedroom for naps. We found that was a good combination of being together but also getting used to their own space.

We had them at separate ends of the shared crib (toe to toe basically) and they didn’t really move much. They crawled late and walked late, so maybe we got away with them sharing crib space because they were late movers.

Not sure if we did something right with the crib sharing/split naps, but BOTH twins were sleeping through the night (8pm-6am) at 3 months old. They’re 24m now and still excellent sleepers🥰🥰

We took their cribs down for their 2nd birthday and got them two floor beds. They share one every nap/nighttime though. These boys are snugglers
@theophilac20 In addition to being safe sleep, my babies slept EXPONENTIALLY better in their separate cribs than their twin bassinet. The movement from their sister just woke them each up constantly.