1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

@naila It would really depend on a few things like:

1) what is your childcare situation like? Would husband be able to manage drop-off and pickups that day? What is your backup plan?
2) how bad is traffic? Could 1.5 hrs turn into 2.5hrs?
3) is the office strict on which day you go in or is it flexible? Are they strict on the time you have to arrive? Would they potentially increase that to more frequent ?
4) would this job be sustainable if your husband’s job changed at all?

I commute 20-30min each way every day. So almost 5hrs / wk. If you look at it that way the commute is reasonable
@naila I got a huge raise and can use that to negotiate salary in my next position. I only plan to do that commute for 1-2 more years and then I’ll move to something else.

Also , forced a more even domestic labor split in the home…. I am not sure if it would’ve come up organically.
@naila Can you negotiate to every other week? Would that be acceptable in your husband’s eyes? I personally would struggle with that but I’ve never “commuted” more than 15 min.