“we weren’t even trying!”

@missionsmanual We’re in similar situations! Surprise at 17, 5 months of TTC for baby 2 (10 years later) and now at Cycle 8 with no luck and very irregular cycles (last cycle was 23 days, and now I just got a positive OPK on CD26). How?!
@amyamelia With my first child, I got pregnant right after our wedding - we were purposely trying.
When we started trying for #2, I mistakenly believed it would be just as easy. It has not. I’ll be 35 this month and will be visiting a fertility clinic in a few weeks. Everyones’ journey is different.
@amyamelia It’s honestly no one’s business whether it was an accident or on purpose my 1st was on purpose my 2nd and 3rd was honestly an accident now I’m trying for a 4th but I never told anyone if it was purposely or not and no one ever asked neither
@amyamelia I’ve intentionally tried two times since my miscarriage, which I’ve blamed myself for more than once. No luck.
Even when I had my first, I had to plan down to the tee. It really hurts and it’s frustrating when people talk about how they only had to have sex once. Even though they mean well for the most part.
It’s a stressful and tedious process. It’s angering that it comes so easy for some people.
@amyamelia I got pregnant at 27 by complete and utter surprise. One time! And now I’m 33 trying on my 6th cycle and I’m realizing the struggles. So I have both experiences
@amyamelia I got pregnant the first try. And by that I mean the 2nd cycle, but that’s when we really tried so I’m stretching the truth a bit. But as quickly as it came it went, (had a mc). The truth is, I don’t want people judging my timeline. I know few people who are “wellness influencers wannabes that surely will analyze my lifestyle and come up with their own diagnosis and for that I want to keep my journey and struggles private.

You never now what’s going on off the screen for realsie, I agree. The struggle is different for everyone, it’s not just the timeline to take into consideration