“Rules” for room sharing


New member
What are the “rules” for leaving baby to sleep alone if you’re room sharing? On my 3rd baby but I’ve always wondered. I room share… 1 year with my first and 6 months with my second. 3rd is now a newborn and is room sharing but he sleeps alone sometimes, is that bad? For example, generally he naps in a pack n play in his own room because I’m busy with my older two or getting things done around the house. At night he sleeps in his crib in my room, but my routine is that once I put him to bed, my husband and I spend a few hours together downstairs before going to sleep in our room. So for the first few hours at night, baby is by himself. Is he still getting SIDs protection if he’s alone at times while sleeping? Surely no one is spending every daytime sleep trapped in their bedroom right?
Surely no one is spending every daytime sleep trapped in their bedroom right?

Only people with the most extreme PPA would do this.

Follow the ABCs of safe sleep (Alone, on their Back, in a Crib (or other safe sleep space)) and they'll be fine.
@rustyt I only have one but she napped in the living room during the day. I would definitely put her down an hang out downstairs at night tho
@rustyt Do you have a monitor for your room? We do the same and have the monitor on when we’re not in the room. That all feels very safe.
@jcox64 We do! I always have the (video and audio) monitor on and with me while he’s sleeping, and in the evenings I turn the volume up really loud just in case we doze off on the couch. 100% if he cried it would wake me. Thank you!
@rustyt Well if you're in the room and not sleeping they aren't getting SIDS protection, because they theory is they regulate their breathing with yours. But if you aren't sleeping and doing things in the room, then I don't see how it works? It's also just a theory.

Adults don't need to sleep for 15hrs a day, so not really sure how you get them that protection all the time.

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