“JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

@evanlooksuptothealmighty Yes please! I felt like everyone around me has been making me feel crazy for having a rough pregnancy since they've only seen or experienced easy ones. Also telling me things like "eating ginger" will magically fix everything.. -.- I even had COVID recently and didn't even notice because it was nothing compared to the morning sickness and now heartburn. I miss not being exhausted, but keep telling myself at least I get to meet her in the end!
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Every stage is awful in its own way. I'm one of the few people that enjoys the newborn stage, lack of sleep, constant nursing, etc. over the toddler stage. I have an 8 year old and an 18 month old. Neither is easier. Having both of them at the same time is a challenging dynamic because of their age gap, their needs and interests are so different. In theory, the 8 year old should be easier... but sometimes when I'm home alone with the 18 month old I think "wow, this really is the life" lol.

Edit--pregnancy is awful, too. I didn't mean to minimize that in any way.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty The worst part is when people who say this are not even parents and have an audacity to say “enjoy this time” and “just get rest while you can”. Bitch, do you wanna know how it feels like when a pregnant lady spits to your face? Than keep talking and don’t forget to tell me that I should breastfeed my baby too.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty this was me too. i had morning sickness up to the point when i gave birth, my baby was constantly rubbing against my ribs or kicking my bladder to make me pee myself. i’d take my 3 second degree tears to my coochie any day over doing that again
@evanlooksuptothealmighty It’s kind of wild how you immediately feel so much better. I was so swollen by the end of my pregnancy that I lost 30 lbs within the first four days after giving birth. I felt amazing even with my lady parts being a mess. Now I will say that the first week postpartum is probably the hardest thing I have ever been through. But it got better and wasn’t 9 months of feeling like crap
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Having a baby is much easier for me than pregnancy was. I mean, it sucks that I don’t get a break and that I have to wake up twice per night, but at least I have my daughter in my arms, who gives me so much joy! And I also don’t have all the pain and sickness associated with pregnancy. I’m not going to forget how much pregnancy sucked any time soon!
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I’m looking forward to being able to enjoy what little sleep I will get 😭 I am so exhausted! I started getting restless legs around 30 weeks and have been suffering for 7. It has only gotten worse! I can’t wait to be able to sleep on my belly and not have to lie awake for 3 hours, trying to fall asleep!!

Plus I’m ready to hold my little girl 💕