“JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

@evanlooksuptothealmighty Yes, I felt SO much better that I told my husband I felt like a new person the night after she was born. I had a 2degree tear, no sleep in over 36 hours, and I felt SIGNIFICANTLY better than I did the entire time I was pregnant.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Sameeeeee. My first pregnancy was awful. I felt better literally 12 hours after giving birth (tearing and all) than I did the entire time I was pregnant. Pregnancy is not fun at all. Postpartum isn't easy, but compared to pregnancy it's glorious.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty The best part about not being pregnant anymore? No heart burn, no sciatic nerve pain, I can sleep on my back. I CAN sleep and if I am awake at 2 a.m there is a reason for it and not that stupid insomnia haha. I get more sleep now than the last 4 months of pregnancy. My belly isn’t in the way of everything anymore. I can get in and out of the car easier. Can eat my foods again and I got a cute little baby to kiss and cuddle. Yea I Tore giving birth too. But pain medication, dermaplast, honey, tucks and adult diapers are all making it better. Also the ice packs are great haha. All is better than being pregnant
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I can’t wait till the baby’s out. I’d pick sleep deprivation over the pregnancy nausea/vertigo/fatigue any day. And what people don’t realise when they tell me to say goodbye to sleep, is that I’m really used to pulling all-nighters throughout uni and work and I generally don’t sleep much due to insomnia. I’m made for the newborn stage lol
@evanlooksuptothealmighty This is my second baby and I’d say by typical standards this pregnancy’s has been pretty easy. And yet I still hate pregnancy. I’m counting the days until he’s here. I mean I’m stressed like no other about juggling 2 little kids. But I really hate being pregnant. I’ve never been more uncomfortable in my life. And after you do it for months and months and months, it starts to feel like an eternity. No part of me enjoys having my cervix punched over and over all day.
@anniekins13 Not if he's a good husband it doesn't.

My wife quit drinking: I quit drinking.

I get new chores since she just isn't up to many now (and others she shouldn't do, like changing kitty litter)

I rub her with oil and lotion every day since she is paranoid about stretchmarks XD

Where before we took turns cooking dinner, now she has a grazing schedule and I cook every day, sometimes for her and I both, sometimes just for me.

When she gets up to pee, I also wake up. My sleeping has taken maybe a 30% hit. I'm a light sleeper.

I always was, but now I exercise my role as shoulder to cry on much more frequently. Emotional support and constant reassurance that she is still sexy and that this won't last forever etc can also be draining

Yes, I am not experiencing hormonal shifts and pain and physical discomfort, but we are sharing the additional burdens as best we can
@cerulean123 You sound like my husband. He has taken over 100% of housework and almost all food procurement on my bad days (which is most days), alongside his full-time job. First trimester was so stressful for him.
@anniekins13 What is the husband supposed to do while you are pregnant? Mine has woken up here and there and talked to me and he will cuddle me. He also makes sure my side of the bed is made up and humidifier is on to try and help me be as comfortable as possible, but aside from that what can they really do? Why should his work day be ruined because I can't sleep and there is literally nothing he can do about it. Genuinely curious as to what your resolution is.
@sheviree I believe what they're talking about is the patriarchal idea that once it inconveniences a man, it's a real problem. Like, there's a set amount of discomfort/exhaustion/pain in the household, but while a woman bears it mostly alone, it's not so bad, and the "real" difficulty comes when there's maybe overall more in the household, but shared across 2 parents

I dont think the other user is suggesting that there's a solution to sharing the physical load of pregnancy, but rather that societal attitudes could stand to shift a bit and encourage us to recognize that for the person carrying a fetus, pregnancy might be harder than the newborn stage. I know in our household, my wife and I are both really excited for baby to be born, in no small part so she can take on some of the care (and discomfort and exhaustion). We both know I'll still have more of it for a bit, but the relief of being able to put him down or hand him off for a while seems like it'll be amazing (not to mention so many physical symptoms subsiding). When people try to pull that "just wait til the baby gets here" talk with me, I'm pretty quick to point out that it means more of a shared load and less physical pain/discomfort for me, and it's often like they hadn't thought about it that way before 🤷‍♀️
@evanlooksuptothealmighty My first pregnancy was super hard. I was insanely sick basically the entire duration of the first and second trimesters to the point I could barely eat anything. And by the time I was no longer sick, I was a giant round ball and it was just uncomfortable existing. I hated pregnancy so much. I am currently half way through my first trimester and I feel okay other than fatigue and some nausea in the mornings. Oh and my boobs feel 10lbs heavier. I’m just really hoping this pregnancy is easier than my first lol
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I’m 14 weeks with my second and I can 200% confirm that pregnancy is literal torture and I’d take the newborn any day. Can’t wait until I’ve got the sweet oxytocin flowing through my veins!
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I feel this. People would tell me to enjoy my free time and to get some sleep before the baby is here. But I never felt rested during my pregnancy and I woke up to pee every 2 hours. The heartburn and generally feeling like an obese whale didn't make it any better. Everything was so much better once LO was there. Did I get more sleep? No. But did I feel more rested? Hell, yeah! I had a secondary c-section and recovery was a breeze compared to pregnancy.