“JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

@evanlooksuptothealmighty I am so SO happy this worked out well for you. Seriously. I just have to say, I read a lot of posts that said the same exact thing when I was pregnant and figured that was the case for everyone. And it is not lol. Trust me I know I certainly didn’t want to hear the negatives when I was pregnant, but I wish I had prepared to not feel better immediately honestly, because I felt a hell of a lot worse for a long time after. Now I would never say the idiotic cliche of “just you wait” to another person, but I won’t lie I think it in my head sometimes.

Edit: for clarity because I know this is an unpopular opinion, I have an amazingly chill baby, and had a super SUPER difficult and high risk pregnancy. I just want to provide an alternative perspective to posts like this honestly, I often wish someone had warned me lol
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Thank you for this! I’m 36 weeks and my sleep is only getting worse. Anytime I complain about how bad it is someone hits me with a “wait til the baby gets here” and I want to slap them. Looking forward no more heartburn or nausea and sleeping comfortably again even if it’s interrupted by baby crying.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Thanks for posting this. My pregnancy has been fairly easy in comparison to a lot of mothers but dear god it sucks to sleep. I'm 35 weeks and I can barely move without feeling uncomfortable. But honestly, yes having the baby will be a challenge, but at least I'll have my body back to somewhat normal. Thanks again for the encouragement
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Thank you!!! I’ve struggled in my pregnancy and I’m 30 days from my due date and this is so reassuring!!! I’ve hated every minute of being pregnant and yet my mother keeps saying just you wait until the baby comes… 🤦‍♀️ I look forward to having my body back and being able to take my dog on a regular walk and sleeping on my back like a starfish even for an hour at a time!
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Pregnancy. Fucking. Sucks.

Girl I’m 1000% with you. Literally it feels like your body is not yours when your pregnant. Of course we follow the rules and do whatever we can so the peanut is healthy, but god damn… I had a metabolism drip (for high blood pressure) that ended in a c-section and a week stay in the hospital. That recovery wasn’t easy, but I FINALLY had my body back. It was mine!!! ( …not my boobies).

I wanted at least five before I got pregnant, now? I think two is probably perfect lol
@evanlooksuptothealmighty To those in struggle: Don't worry, those people weren't ready for parenthood. You are ready, so you will be good.

I didn't listen to anyone, and sincerely, I enjoy my bundle of joy so much. I think she can sense that too, so she is sooo calm.

Without tension everything is easier, believe me. It is tough, but it's rewarding. And it's not an apocalypse, they grow so fast, inhale, exhale, and enjoy 🫂
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Third trimester FTM; being pregnant sucks. And if anyone tells me otherwise again, I will explode. The back pain, the constantly having to pee, the chronic fatigue from not being able to sleep and working full time. I'm over it. The second the kid is out, I'll be able to comfortably sleep again.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty There's nothing like the feeling of getting your body back post pregnancy! My first pregnancy was ok and I got away with minimal suffering but my second one has been harder, and knowing the light at the end of the tunnel is also making me ready for baby to come and get this over with lol
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Honestly, other than the first two weeks, time with baby hasn’t been that bad. A couple of weeks that get gradually better is much more manageable than months that get gradually worse. Also, I did shift work before, so this is just another adjustment to my sleep schedule.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I HATED being pregnant so much so I don’t think I’ll ever do it again but I love being a mom! I’m tired a lot and my now toddler throws tantrums and I’m spending a criminal amount of money ok daycare but I’ll take this over pregnancy ANY DAY.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty On my first pregnancy, but my sister who has already had one has said the same exact thing as you. I believe it!! It's the worst trying to talk about being tired and how insomnia has affected my work competency to people who keep saying 'just wait'. UGH. At least my own body won't be actively fighting me and I'll have a partner to help out!
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Thank you for this. I am 17 weeks with extreme nausea, almost daily vomiting, fatigue, body aches, dizziness, out of breath, headaches, etc. I can sleep 13 hours and I am still exhausted. I have to mentally prepare myself just to do a load of laundry. My house is a mess. My husband has taken over cooking, taking care of our dog, cleaning, etc. I cry multiple times of week because of the extreme fatigue and nausea and I cannot wait to be on the other side of this pregnancy. I keep telling myself I am looking forward to just being “regular” tired / sleep deprived from a new born as opposed to this deep exhaustion/body aches/fatigue from pregnancy.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Oof, I feel this. I have terrible SPD and am only 4.5 weeks away! I have trouble imagining that a c section recovery will be more painful that the extreme pelvic pain I’m currently feeling. I can’t sleep comfortably, every other night I end up awake until 1 am or waking up at 1am. My back hurts, a lot. Preterm labor is painful.

And no matter how bad postpartum is, at least I get to enjoy my baby.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I'm still pregnant, and this gives me hope.

My husband wasn't understanding it when I would say "I just want my body back" because that means we will have a newborn to care for. Yes, that's true, but I'D HAVE MY BODY BACK. I won't be uncomfortable from a back ache. I will be able to turn in bed without moaning and groaning from the effort. A groggy trip to the bathroom multiple times a night won't be what wakes me. I won't have heartburn. I won't have the pregnancy fatigue. Yes, I'll still be tired, but I've heard so many moms says it's a better kind of a tired in comparison. My bowel movements will, hopefully, go back to what they were before. I won't pee all the time.

I AM READY FOR MY BODY BACK. 35+6 weeks, and I am counting down!