“JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

Oh yeah, just you wait. You think pregnancy is bad?

It is. It sucks ass. At least it did for me. People made me feel like I was being a drama queen, but I felt immediately better after giving birth.

Pregnancy sucked so bad I felt better after pushing a human out of my most delicate parts, giving me a second degree tear that required stitches.

I had severe pelvic pain, my heartburn was horrible, I got up to pee 5-8 times a night, I got to where I hated night time because sleep was so elusive and uncomfortable.

Am I getting more sleep now with a newborn? Hell to the no, but at least I sleep peacefully, stretched out on my tummy with 0 heartburn or pain (other than my poor lady bits, R.I.P.)

Don’t get me wrong, postpartum recovery is no walk in the park, but I will take icing my cooch over the pain of pregnancy all day every day lol

Sorry if this has been posted before, I wanted to give anyone out there struggling like I was some hope!
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Solidarity. Pregnancy is awful, I hated every minute.

I also had a bad tear, third degree. My MIL was one of those “wait til the baby gets here” people, and loooooved to tell me what a terrible baby my husband was and how we were in for it. The first words out of her mouth to me in the hospital - while holding her first ever grandchild - were “ha! If you tore that badly with the first, you’ll tear at least that bad but probably worse with the next ones! Just you wait!” My God I wanted to throttle that woman.
@mariex Man I hate it how everyone is like “wait until the baby gets here, life will never be the same” or all the other stupid things AND THEN IMMEDIATELY TELL YOU TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY. Like what’s your point here? Saying motherhood is the worst thing on earth and ask me or DEMAND I have another baby afterwards? It literally infuriates me. I’m sorry about your MIL
@mariex Actually speaking as an OB/GYN resident it's more likely to tear less with every child. Which is obvious, if you think about it. It tore before so there's more space. Even if it didn't, if a whole human went through there, there will be more space than there was before. But unfortunately that's no guarantee. Every baby, pregnancy and birth is different even in the same woman. But the probability for a bad tear sinks. (anecdotal evidence because I'm to lazy to look up a paper ;) )
@mariex I tore with my first (in three places, needed stitches for each) but didn't with my middle and youngest, so thats not always true. Your MIL sounds like a pleasant woman /s.
@mariex I’m sorry she said those things to you. It’s so rude and unnecessary.

My MIL keeps telling us how we better hope the baby doesn’t inherit certain things from us (like his asthma or my intestinal issues as an example even though his asthma seems more of an environmental issue not genetic because of his own birth complications and being around smokers 24/7 unwillingly growing up). Anyway, she also says how we’re gonna want to get rid of baby because we’ll be so tired and all this other stuff. She also has decided she wants to get baby certain firsts without even consulting us. There’s so many things she’s done but that on top of the negative comments really make me feel like she’s trying to convince us that it’s not worth it so we give her the baby after she’s born.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I felt so much better once I had my c-section. Hip pain, gone. Heartburn, gone. I could sleep in any position I wanted. I didn’t have to worry about work because I was on maternity leave. I could nap when I needed to as long as the baby was asleep.

Nine months in I still have some struggles (I have insomnia, kiddo isn’t sleeping great because she’s teething, and the formula she likes just got recalled) but all in all the last nine months have been way better than the nine months of pregnancy.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Thankyou for saying this. I HATE it when I say I was so tired last night I slept 10 hours or napped or whatever (first trimester) & people say enjoy it while you can. Like no! It’s not enjoyable being so fatigued & nauseas that all I want to do it sleep and thanks for implying it will never get better from now on! 😤
@evanlooksuptothealmighty It’s almost like people try to invalidate your feelings being pregnant because it can’t be harder than bring a parent. I am SO sick of the “you just wait”. It’s demeaning and hella annoying. 35wks and I have multiple coworkers with multiple older kids that say this. Just because being a parent isn’t a walk in the park doesn’t make pregnancy the better option. I just want my own body back at this point. I’m sick of sharing
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Im at the beginning of 2nd trimester and i was sharing with a friend some of my symptoms... their immediate response was "this sounds like periods"

....... i actually miss having my period. Cuz i could at least eat whatever the hell i wanted and can actually snap outta whatever this is 🥴
@drummmer78 Ugh, I remember my first pregnancy telling my husband and bawling that I’d rather have my bed ridden period cramps versus throwing up 7+ times a day not being able to keep anything down😭🥲
@katrina2017 If my cramps are that bad its maybe just a day or half a day... and ill take it easy with work... but while being pregnant? Shhhiiieeeetttt i literally cannot do anything every. single. day. 😑